Top 10 Things That Annoy Fan-Fiction Readers Most (No. 5-1)

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5. Predictable and Overused Orphanage Yog-Fics

They are just so cliche... Don't get me wrong there are so great one's out there but there are ones that have no original lines in them, and with no plot twists or originality it can be dire to read.

If you are going to go along the Orphan line then read others and use an original story line, that will make you stand out.

4. Spelling

Similar to what was said with No. 6 'Grammar', but there is more of an acceptation to this, however when the words are so far away to what they are meant to be then it can be difficult to read.

The worst thing about spelling errors it that they are easily sorted;

Proof read, proof read, proof read.

I'm not embarrassed to admit that I sometimes uses a dictionary and proof read before publishing a chapter.

3. Huge Amount of Own Characters (OC's)

So you have your OC who is the main character then add this character and then this character and another and another and another.... AHHHHHH!!

It goes from being a Fan-Fiction to a General Fiction that kinda has the Yogscast involved.

OC's are normally the main character of a fic but when you add more OC's it can become overwhelming and confusing.

Some writers make it work, and are brave enough to do OC Competitions but I simply find it far to difficult to keep more than 2 Main OC's going in a fic without them getting the deserved attention needed to make them relevant.

Character development is difficult enough without a lot of OC's being used and some characters can become just a name without development behind them.

2. Drama, After Drama, After Drama

Car Accident, Mental Breakdown, Someone gets Kidnapped, Mental Breakdown, Crying, Solitude, More crying, Crazy Uncle comes back then another Mental Breakdown..... Why??

Drama is obviously needed in a Fan-fic but when so much goes wrong that it reaches the level of being downright imposable that's enough is enough....

I avoid this like the plague when I write my fics and will swerve plot lines to avoid Drama after Drama.

There has been a few fic's that I have had to stop reading after a certain point due to too much unrealistic drama and it becoming painful to read as there was no break in the endless grief, crying and mental breakdowns.

And the Big No.1
Incorrect Facts About Yogs

If your going to write a Yog-fic please, please, please get your facts write.

The amount of time I spent watching or even re-watching Yogscast videos or consulting the Yog-Wiki, It defiantly adds time onto each update, but it doesn't take much to make sure your facts are correct.

A few people also mentioned that they dislike none canon (official) relationships or not mentioning actual relationships such as Trott and Katie (Unless the Fic is a Trott x OC)

<><Authors Note><>
Hope you enjoyed this and has helped in some way.
I got these results from comments and from doing a Poll on a Facebook Yogscast Fan Group

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