Part Two

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Waking up in a chair wasn't confusing since they were sitting. It was confusing because they were so used to the painful procedures deemed necessary. This was suspicious, and not welcome. Our nameless teenager got up out of the chair they were in, no bounds to be seen. "What.." He croaked out quietly, now hearing the new voice. It was deep, smooth, and nothing like what he remembered. Were the screams that terrible? That he didn't even recognize the change?

"Sit." A pair of stronger hands took hold of the teen's shoulders and pushed down and ***** complied. Only out of fear. The voice was from the man who first brought them here. "Now, I'm sure you're getting used to how your body is, how about I show you how it looks?" That's when the teenager looked up at him, seeing the steady smile on his face and swallowing a bit. "I don't have a choice, do I?" This didn't make the man chuckle or look amused in the slightest as he shook his head and pull a remote out. With a press of a button, a bright light consumed the room.

It was a small room, similar to a prison cell, a bed over in the corner with a toilet at the opposite end. A sink must have been behind him but a full body mirror hung on the wall right in front of the teenager. Change was correct, and our now nameless teenager dropped his jaw a bit. 

Thinner, much thinner, and a male no less. There was no chest to be seen and his hair.. His hair was the same, but not long anymore. It was a style that perfectly suited him. His eyes, also remained the same. There was light freckles on his face, only really on his upper cheeks and nose. It was as if he was looking at a sickly version of what he had wanted to look like ever since he realized he wasn't meant to be with a female body. But just to be sure, even though he was in front of the male, he pulled the gown back and saw an actual penis. 

"Now, this must be satisfying for you. You paid a hefty price for it." "My torture? My screams?" He glared at the man, but quickly backed down when he saw the smirk on his face. "Oh, no. Something more precious than your bodily pain. No.. You paid the biggest price of all." The teenager didn't know what he was talking about, assuming it was his soul, but a soul was a dime a dozen if it meant that he could have the body he wanted. 

Our boy continued to look in the mirror and examine the new body he had, but a paper was handed to him. "You must fill this out." The man said, and though he should have been completely untrusting to it, our teenager assumed the torture was over. "Okay."


First Name: James | Middle Name: Leon | Last Name: Butler
Age of Deal: 14 | Age of Wish Granted: 16

You have paid the ultimate price for the best package on our deal for our Queer Offer. Remember there is no way to undo what has been undone and you have already paid everything you had. 
We will provide for your money, housing, and any medical attention you are provided from now until the end of time itself. Be aware, you will never be free of us. 

Now, Sign for Confirmation of Acceptance and Satisfaction



James had written in his name but held off on signing as he looked up at the man. "What price did I pay?" His captor obviously didn't like the questioning, motioning to the paper. "Sign, kid. You'll remember, and eventually it won't even matter to you." The brunette widened his eyes, more curious at the answer he had gotten. "Fine." He signed the dotted line and handed the paper with the pen back to the man who had gotten him there. This moment of peace was almost imaginary to the boy, he was so used to violence and torment. Was this the end? That was all? Two years of physical torture? 

The handsome man looked over the paper, twirling the pen in his hand. "Well, it looks as though everything is in order. You signed, we have fulfilled what we promised." He smirked down at him. "Now for the last thing." The brunette looked up in fear, even though he was almost the same height now. "What to you mean-" 

Pain and a flash of white, he felt the pen be stabbed into his left eye. Screeching out in horror and pain, the boy had frozen on the spot. This was a learned behavior, when pain was only so much, he would just freeze instead of jolt or move. "Look at that, a normal person would be screaming much louder, pass out, or try to pull my hand off. You've simply just stopped. Learned there's less pain that way, hm?" The pen was twirled around in his socket and he sobbed a bit as he croaked out in pain. "Stop.." "Or what?" It was jabbed in further and the boy reacted. 

"I SAID STOP!" Something weird seemed to be flowing out of his eye at that point but he didn't see exactly what, just that it was glowing green and a look of happiness sparked in the man's eyes as he pulled the eye completely out. James cried out in pain, falling to his knees and watching as what he knew was his blood started to drip on the floor. This blood, however, was not red. Looking much like the substance that was being fed into the IV from before, flashes of the memory when he was in the tube bubbling up. He was horrified, holding his hands over his now gone eye as he felt it regrow. Screaming in horror and pain. "What did you do to me?!" He spat out, feeling like a monster. There was no answer to his question, though, as the man seemed to disappear when James looked up. 

There was no doors, no windows either. What was this? He continued to cry out a bit in pain as the eye was quickly reconstructing. It was horrifying as he watched it regrow in the mirror. Rather than being the same color to his right, the eyeball in his left socket was an unnatural and almost radioactive green. He was unable to tear his eyes away as he screamed and crawled back, the eye dulling from the glow and being a more natural green as he stared at it. What had he done? More importantly, what was the price? 

"Why me?" He muttered and let the sobs shudder his body a bit before climbing onto the cot in the corner and curling up in a ball. The shock as well as adrenaline from everything that happened just moments ago, tired out the boy and he slipped off to sleep. 


Waking up with a growl from his stomach, the brunette turned over and saw he hadn't even moved in his sleep. It must have been a very deep rest, considering he could not recall a dream and there was little to no sleep in his torture of the past frame of time. Though, if he was right in remembering what the paper said? It was two years of being broken apart and being put back together again. Turning back over to see the room, there was now a table in the center with the same chair from before. Though, he saw something resting on the table and slowly sat up.

When he got a better view, the boy saw there was a tray on the table. On that tray was; a glass with water, an apple, and a bowl. Finally, getting onto his feet with a slight tumble, he went over and saw what was in the bowl. It was rice porridge, something that looked a lot like what he used to make with his family. Tears welled up in his eyes as he sat down and started to eat the porridge that was exactly like the kind he made growing up. James was far from calm, he felt extremely sad and guilty. Even though his life sucked in some aspects? He still loved his family, past the abuse and other negligence. He missed his mother, his father, and most of all? His brothers. Not the two closest in age to him, but the two he had practically raised given his parents were workaholics. 

"What have I done?" He whispered, scared out of his mind that his feeling that they were lost to him forever was right. Though, part of James hoped that maybe, just maybe, they were out looking for him now. There was no real knowing of this, though, as he was trapped. 

He savored every bite of the porridge, chewing slowly and pausing between each bite. Memories flooding into his head of his family and bringing him peace. Their smiles, their laughter, and most of all? Their inside jokes. Those memories held light in his mind, and he sighed out shakily as he wiped his eyes. With the last bite, he felt a little better. The torture was over, wasn't it? James knew that, eventually, they would be letting him go. He had no clue as to when, though, and continued to think as he started to eat the apple just as slowly. 

James was never a slow eater, even when he was a kid his parents would say not to inhale the food. The reason he was eating so slow? He couldn't recall a single time he ate since the initial captivity, and he did not want to throw it up. Especially since the rice tasted exactly like childhood. Strong feelings were attached to his meal, even if he wasn't the biggest fan of apples, the breed of the one he was eating was his fathers favorite. When the apple was eaten as down to the core as he could get, the brunette sipped the water while looking over at the mirror.

His eye was still green, while his right remained brown. The silence was loud, there was only the light above him and little color seen. He was in a medical gown, and if he wasn't in an unescapable room; the teenage boy would probably believe he was in a hospital. It did not smell like one, no. There was no scent besides the food he had already finished. Sighing, he stood up and finished the rest of the water before setting the glass back down. 

Cautiously, he walked towards the mirror and gazed at his reflection It was odd; yes, he always wanted green eyes, a foolish want as he looked at how beautiful his brown eye was. It was natural, something connecting him to his mother; to his two brothers who shared the same eyes. Though, memory wandered in James's head, the beautiful color of his baby brothers eyes. They were blue, shifting from bright blue and grey depending on the season. 

Eyes stinging as tears once again welled in the boys eyes, he slumped down to his knees and sobbed quietly. 'Pathetic.' The voice was distorted slightly, like static. James quickly looked around the room, wiping his eyes as his choked voice croaked out. "Who said that?" The room was empty, so he found no source. Until, he spoke again. 

'You look pathetic, on your knees and crying.' The voice was a little louder this time, and the source came from what he thought was behind the mirror but when he looked at the reflection? It did not match him. The vision of him in the mirror had pointed ears, eyes with glowing iris's of radioactive green, the pupils white and what parts should be white? Were black. James froze out of fear, unsure as to why when he was on his knees, the reflection looked different and was squatted down. 'Wow, look at how easily you freeze. Relax, kid. Just your shadow.' The reflection smirked at him, revealing sharp teeth. 

The teenagers breath was quickened, his heart in his throat. "Y-you are not a shadow. You look like-" 'A demon? Monster?' James's unmatched reflection stood up in the mirror, tilting his neck side to side and leathery wings ripped out of his back along with matching horns and tail. Which were black. This made the already terrified boy's eyes widen more, as he started to crawl back in fear of being hurt. 'I may be that, but I can't hurt you. Watch.' James shook as the reflection reached towards him but the hand only rested in the reflection. 'We can't touch.'

"Y-you're just lying!" He squeaked out, hand above his heart as he tried to clutch to a cross around his neck that wasn't there. 'If I was, I could have killed you.' The reflection closed his eyes and stretched out his neck again, the wings and other features sinking back into his body with a weird crunching noise and small hiss of pain. 'Aren't you curious? What they did to you? Why you keep crying?' James was too terrified of the fact that his reflection was defying laws of physics, closing his eyes and hugging his knees as he started to ignore the one in the mirror.

Even with that effort, he still heard the voice. 'Ignoring me now? How rude. Well, I know the answers. Eventually, you'll remember everything. When that happens, you'll let me out.' The voice stopped, but the brunette was still too scared to move from the fetal position he was in. 

Why was this happening? It was as if reality as he knew it was being shredded to pieces. First being doomed to live despite all efforts to break the body he had, then having the body and face he always wanted. Being suffered to one final cruel act, if it was the last act. He screamed loudly, covering his ears as he was doing his best to drive out the maddening silence. 


Unfortunately, James had passed out from his screaming and gave himself a sore throat. When he woke up, the brunette was lying on his bed. Breathing heavily, he sat up and rocked himself back and forth as he hugged his legs. There was no telling what time it was, no sunlight or clock. Had he been asleep for hours or minutes? How had he gotten onto the bed? There was no answer as he thought to himself in the piercing silence. 

Gaining the courage to look around, James found out that the mirror was now gone. He sighed quietly in relief and looked at the table. Food had appeared on it once again, so he got off of the bed and went over to see what it was. Rice porridge once again, but there was an orange this time instead of an apple and the glass of water. There was ice and a straw, which he was grateful for. Sitting down, he began to eat slowly once more.

With only the sound of his chewing, he looked around the room to see if anything else had changed. From the first glance, no. It was all the same. A second scanning, he noticed something poking out from underneath the cot. James did not rush to see what it was, just chewing and eating slowly as he felt sadness consume him once again from the memories. He remembered making potato salad alone in the kitchen, as well as all the times he would coddle his baby brother. Coupled with the fun times playing games with his two favorite kids in the world. 

His eyes dripped with tears once more as he ate, but he continued to enjoy it. It was almost as if they would fade into a dream if he didn't. There was little hope for James, he truly believed that he would never see them again. Even if his older brother did something unforgivable when he was small, even if his mother had given him such self hatred, and even if his father didn't give him so much as the least bit of support. It wasn't as though he couldn't love them, but maybe that was just trauma. Just the intense want to be able to be a part of their lives even if he felt like no matter what he did there was no way they would love him for who he was. 

James sighed, peeling the orange and setting the peel in the practically cleaned out bowl. Eating the slices, he continued to think. What if the man never approached that day? Would the situation have remained the same? Being a transman with no way out besides growing up to eighteen? After all the damage is done? Part of him thinks that he could have stood for it, knowing this was what would have happened if he didn't. Torture, near death, dying, yet ripped back to life by unnatural means. 

Sipping the water for a bit before setting it down, he stood up and walked over to the bed. Reaching underneath, he pulled out a medium sized box and opened it. The curiosity had paid off, because inside was actual clothes. Just a typical cheap grey hoodie, matching grey shorts, and boxers. When he pulled those out in glee, he also saw some black sneakers as well as white socks. Joy consumed him as he had been naked for as long as his torture had been happening. The gown only came when he came into this room, by unknown causes. 

Honestly, the gown was uncomfortable and too open. It was cold, and he didn't appreciate feeling the pavement floor freezing his ass when he had sat down the day before. Presumably the day before, of course. There really was no way for him to know how much time passed since he entered this room. 


After getting out of the gown, James put on the cheap yet somehow comfortable clothing and smoothed it down with his hands. A small smile on his face as he turned around to get another sip of the water. It quickly fell as he saw the man who had plucked his eye out in front of the table. "Adjusting to the room, I hope?" His voice sounded so smooth but James was smarter now. That man was up to no good, but something in his head itched and he refused to respond. "Now, it's rude to not answer." The brunette swallowed and answered softly. "If I adjust or not, that doesn't matter. You could rip it all away if you wanted. And I wouldn't be able to stop it."

This strangely attractive man that James was almost convinced was a demon, looked proud of the response from him. "You lost your fight already?" "I lost my fight the second I was trapped wherever 'THIS' is." He motioned around him, feeling immense rage starting to bubble up with it. "Now, see, it looks like you haven't." 

"Get the fuck out." He said in a low but threatening tone. "Oh, trying to tell me what to do now-" "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I KILL YOU." James screeched, lunging at him and getting a good scratch on his face before the other seemed to disappear into thin air. Breathing heavily, he did his best to calm down as tears overwhelmed his eyes and spilled relentlessly.  Sipping the water as he was shaking, the boy saw that his nails had grown into what looked like claws before they seemed to retract. Though he felt like a monster, he pushed away the feeling of disgust since he was able to defend himself for a moment. Fighting could be an option with this new found 'skill'.

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