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Chapter 1

In the tenth year of the end of the world, a hundred wastes are waiting to flourish.

In order to rebuild homes and resettle the surviving, and to encourage the cultivation and reconstruction of granaries, the state allocates land according to the head, and provides a series of welfare policies: "From now on, the first thousand people who voluntarily register for land will receive one month's rations, and the first five years will be exempted from tax payment. The state also promised to provide agricultural aspects. Professional help."

"Those who are willing to register for land now should register in the lobby."

Lin Ling stood in the crowd and listened to the call of the country. She looked silently in the distance. The gray sky was filled with countless small dust, the desolate city with a lot of holes, the burning mountains and forests, and traces of the end of the world everywhere.

She always remembered that she was left behind by her companions in the first year of the end of the world, but when she opened her eyes again, she found herself lying in the temporary residence in the safe zone. People in the temporary shelter came and went. No one around knew her, no one cares about who she was, and no one cares about how she came. Only a woman in the next bed said that she had just come forward for two days. After entering, she had been lying in bed without moving. If she hadn't hadn't had breath, she thought she was dead.

Lin Ling thought she had only been saved, but after listening to the conversation between the people in the temporary residence, she knew that it was now the tenth year of the end of the world and half a year after the end of the world. Now the state has begun to arrange for everyone to rebuild their homes.

So she guessed that she might have been reborn with others, but she was called here with others before she could ask in detail.

"No one knows what it looks like outside. What if there are still zombies and mutants hidden?"

"I'd rather stay in the safe zone and starve to death than go out to die." Although half a year has passed since the end of the world and the country has sent troops to clean up the hidden crisis, people who have experienced this experience are full of panic about the outside world. Even if the welfare policy is attractive, very few people are willing to leave the safe zone.

"There is a month's ration." There have always been planting land in the safe area to provide food, but everyone must exchange points for food, and points are difficult to earn, so some people are still very moved.

"So what if there are rations? Can you farm?"

Everyone silently, "If you have wooden powers, it's better to go out to farm than to stay in a safe area."

Lin Ling listened to the conversation of others, looked down at a green vine wrapped around her fingers, stretched out her hand and pointed out her branches and leaves. It wrapped her fingers domineeringly and tightened hard. When she couldn't stand the pain, the green vine quickly let go and hid in her sleeves.

She didn't know what had changed outside, but her stomach, which was so hungry, suggested that she receive a month's rations first.

Therefore, Lin Ling became the first person to sign up.


"Lin Ling."

"ID number."

Lin Ling was stunned for a second and handed the other party an identity nameplate in her hand: "CD32341174."

The moment she handed out the identity card, Lin Ling remembered that she had not figured out what was now, and she was worried that the clerk would see that her name and ID number did not match.

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