The unexpected Story

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"Hypnotism videos? Oh come on" scoffed Amy, rolling her eyes.

The brunette girl kicked back in her office chair, putting her feet up on the desk. "People don't honestly believe in that shit. do they?"

No sound came from outside her office in reply. Her colleagues were busy writing their own stories, and her assistant was busy making herself and her boss some dinner and didn't have the time to help her with this story. She had some pasta to boil.

Amy rolled her eyes and pushed her hair back over her ear and took a sip from her pastel mug of tea. Well she had found some weird things on YouTube over the years.

Originally she was going to read some articles about Hypnosis while she wrote about it before she went to eat dinner. But her eye was drawn to some of the strange patterns of the hypnosis videos that were attached to the articles and all that it claimed it could do. She had seen a lot of strange videos on the internet, but so had anyone that had been on long enough.

"Really?" she scoffed gawking at some of the weird titles laid out before her.

"They really believe in this shit don't they", She said astonished. Some part of her figured, that she shouldn’t go down this rabbit hole.

But with each new title the brunette, looked more and more, there were all sorts of titles. Stuff to make yourself richer, self confidence stuff, Things to make you more courageous or outgoing in your love life. The deeper she traveled down this rabbithole, the more she started to find the weird fetish shit.

Transformation stuff, turning into a doll, becoming a animal and that was just some of the tame stuff. As if as long as you believed that some video online could change your physical body.

That it would and could happen if the mind just in believed it enough. Then she found something that made her laugh out loud.

"Impregnation hypnosis?! There’s a whole playlist omg?!”, she exclaimed out loud giggling to herself.

As if some wacko mumbling into your ears could make you a mother... get you pregnant... put real babies inside your womb! Chortling at how stupid a lot of the greater public could be, Amy clicked on the link to take a look. It was about what she expected, the usual image of a spinning black spiral.

It that twisted in upon itself, drawing her gaze to its center. She couldn't help but scoff as she watched it spin and turn.

Though she found it stupid, she couldn’t help but have her eyes drawn to the center of the moving spiral. Amy scoffed to herself and grabbed a pair of headphones from one of the Drawers in her desk and she put them on.

"You're becoming pregnant, you’re going to become so big and fertile.
and you actually want it so badly, to be full with kicking children in your warm belly." spoke a soft, male voice through her headphones.

"You're becoming round and filled with life, as you hear my words, you will feel yourself start to grow and swell with a baby. Maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones and your so fertile that multiples and a big family awaits your lovely womb.”

It was so cringeworthy, she couldn't help but snort shaking her head. However, her eyes were still drawn to the center of the spiral. Somehow she found herself fixated to it. It was stupid, but she couldn't help but look, she couldn’t stop watching it for some reason.

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