Time to join the fun...

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Raven was shocked when she entered the office to find her laboring boss.

She ran towards her boss as Amy was screaming from contractions.

"What the hell happened to you?" Amy seemed to get out of her trance after Raven asked the question, as she slowly processed what had happened to her body.

Amy was screaming and moaning from the pain and shock that finally sinked in, as she unconsciously pushed down the first baby.

Raven looked around the room and stopped when she saw the computer open currently playing another video from the playlist.

"what the hell were you watching?" curiosity taken on Raven as Amy offered her the headphones between the painful contractions. apart of her was craving to see her assistant full and round with babies exactly like her even though Amy wasn't under the trance anymore.

she put the headphones on and taken the computer from the desk to her lap as she slowly sat on the floor.

the image of a spinning black spiral played that twisted in upon itself, drawing her gaze to its center. She couldn't help but scoff as she watched it spin and turn.

She was so confused, she couldn’t help but have her eyes drawn to the center of the moving spiral. Raven scoffed to herself as a voice started to sound.

"Now that we're done with that pass me to a friend, cause you want them to feel this magic so badly too." than Raven could hear a moment of silence before the voice spoke again.

"You're becoming heavily pregnant, you’re going to become so large and fertile." spoke a soft, male voice through the headphones.

"You're becoming round and filled with life, as you hear my words, you will feel yourself start to grow and swell with babies. but you wanna be luckier than your friend you want to be so lucky and so fertile that more than any human amount of babies await your lovely fertile womb.”

It was so cringeworthy, she couldn't help but snort shaking her head. However, her eyes were still drawn to the center of the spiral.
after seeing Amy like that she couldn't help but feel a little jealous, she wanted it all to herself.

Somehow she found herself fixated to it. It was stupid, but she couldn't help but look, she couldn’t stop watching it for some reason.

"You feel your breasts starting to grow heavy, they’re filling with milk. Gallons of warm sweet milk for your babies, you can feel how they are pushing out your bra. Stretching it to the limits.”, the male voice continued to whisper into her headphones.

As she watched, the screen her breasts started to fill and puff outwards. They grew quickly rounding as her small chest started to surpass her B cups bra in size. The growths were quick as her tits seemed to quiver in place before they jutted up another cup size.

“They feel so nice and firm, as they grow so heavy and wide with your milk.”, the smoothing man’s voice continued. The brunette nodded in response as the sound of rushing liquid.

Could be heard flowing into her increasingly gravid boobs. Her T shirt started to strain about the heavy weights, sinking downwards as she gained more and more breast weight.

Her nipples inflated into puffy bulges through the fabric, her areolas, spreading across her breasts as they became heavy brown nipples. They stretched the limits of her bra very quickly and she gave a soft grunt of discomfort. As the straps of her bra dig into her shoulders a bit, the pale flesh of her distending tits. Inflated out of the cups of her bra as they sagged downwards from more of the weight.

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