A Realization

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Chapter 1

I hate those girls in high school that are like hoes in training, you know the ones that think that every place they see is avalible for making out, and have a million boyfriends at once and they know that shes cheating but they dont care, well im not exactly a nun but im not a hoe etheir! well im looking at one of those right now Ashley Gregor and her current and suprisingly only boyfriend Josh Ramsay making out in the middle of history class and Mrs MacDougal is completley cluelss. it is kinda uncomfortale for me to be watching them seeing how me and Josh have been friends since 3rd grade and he was always such a sweet kid i dont see why he would even think of persuing her.

" Nicole" says Mrs MacDougal waking me up from my psychic babble.

" Ah yes Mrs MacDougal" I said cluelessly.

Mrs MacDougal said in I think was a frustrated tone " can you tell me what the cause of world war 2 was". shit I had no clue what had been taking about for the past 45 minutes.

so i said this time stupidly " ah i don't know" triping on the word don't. then my very bright best friend Erin jumps in making me feel even more stupid but it was done with good intentions so i don't really mind.

" one of the conditions after world war 1 was that hitler couldn't build up Germany's armed forces which he did but no one wanted to say anything because they were afraid of trigering another war but eventually france got fed up and atacked". yup shes a smart cookie and i would never of made it through bio finals without her.

" thank you erin" Mrs MacDougal said in a very flat tone. then I hear the sweet sound of the bell and school is over thank god. I hurryed out the door, Mrs MacDougal was saying something but i was all ready out the door and then I could hear Josh screaming after me and haulted to a stop.

Josh was a skinny, pale kid with black hair that was normally slicked back with jell. he was funny kind and used a lot of unessacary cursing.

" hey Nic wait up" he yelled and he finally caught up to me." that was brutle huh".

all i sayed was " i saw you and your hoe. that was lovely". 

" come on don't be liike that we were just having some fun"

" ya you were in the middle of history class" i said just a little to sharply so i soften the glare ive been giving him.

" don't get worked up over it you want to come and hang at my house" he sayed it warmly and inviting so i agreed with a snarky comment about ashley and him an i walked to his car and drove to his house without ashley. 

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ill only make more if people want me to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2013 ⏰

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