Part 1 Stormy night

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It is all stormy night. There is heavy raining from last two days.

In RR mansion amma and Pallavi were sleeping in their room. Pallavi was tired because of long hectic day. Things are changed since she came to know about raghav's business. They had huge fight and said hurtful things to each other. First amma was at Raghav's side but when come to know about his business she supports Pallavi. After that fight pallavi decided to live simple life and do a job. She is sleeping with amma since their fight. She is missing her ghamndi rao and their room. She is missing his warmth, his presence beside her and his hug. They didn't talk from last few days. Above all since she started new job she is always in hurry to leave from and coming to home. She is every night pray to God that things will be normal between them. She didn't even saw him today because of early morning meeting. She wants to go and look at him but her ego is coming in between.

She thinks "even he didn't saw me but didn't come to meet me so why should I go?"

She is hell tired and wants to sleep peacefully but something is nagging her but she can't point out. She prays to God to make things all right and nothing wrong happen. She was trying to sleep because next day she has to attend office. She was just going to sleep and sleep was engulfing her she heard ringtone. It is landline.

She thought "who call at this time? Hope everything is alright"

She got up and going towards the noise from where it is coming. It is coming from kitchen. Intercom? Who call at this time?

She answered the call and heard heavy breathing. Pallavi was scare to hear this voice. Why is he breathing like this? What happen to him? She was going to ask him but he spoke first.

"Rama please comes to my room" he said this with great difficulty. Pallavi ran towards their room.

When she reached to door she was shocked to see condition of raghav.

He was shivering badly. Pallavi ran towards him and touch his forehead. He was having high fever. At first she adjusts the room temperature and covers him with one more blanket. After that she sit beside him on bed. He was still shivering. She called Farhad and ask him to bring doctor as soon as possible because Raghav is not well. Pallavi look at his temperature but it is still same. She remembered one gharelu nuskha and she brings salt and hot water. She put wet clothes on his head. It helps him little bit and his shivering started to lessen. She caressed his hair. Looking at his condition there is tears in her eyes. She missed him so much and how much she is angry at him but she can't see him like this. She kisses his forhead.

Pallavi got a relief but what next she heard shock him. Raghav was murmuring something but pallavi couldn't make out. Pallavi asked him again.

Pallavi "Raghav what are you saying?

His eyes are still close but still he is speaking.

Raghav "Nana! Arjun!

Pallavi "Nana ! Arjun! Why are you talking about them?

Raghav "they are here. They are here to take me. I have to go with them."

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