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i skipped down the stairs in a glee. i turned in circles as insane laughter made its way out of my throught. i enjoyed being insane. 'you should you'de be dead if you didn't have us.' one said. i nodded

"you are right, so positivily right!" i yelled. i turned in one more circle to see slendy and jeff standing there. "HI!" i yelled giggling. "nice smile..." jeff said new blood seeping out of his smile. i smiled

proudly "thank you." i kind of blushed but i hoping no one noticed.

"are you ready?" i nodded bouncing around letting insane laughter fill there ears.

"okay come here and take my hand." i stayed calm and did so.... i saw shadows of the house come round. "JACK!" i yelled she came running to me. i grabbed her coller without letting go of jeff's hand.

the shadows twisted and turned to make way of a tunnel. a tunnel of darkness i wanted to explore. i looked at jeff.

"are we going down there?" i asked he shook his head "that tunnel leads to the slender woods, this tunnel goes to the mansion where we all stay and this one goes to the human world." i nodded. slender

walked down the path of the slender woods "is he going to play a game?" jeff nodded "the game of 8 pages is real shadow, thats the best part knowing that all thoose people who say we aren't real are and

can suffer...." i frowned

"i can only kill people who diserve it..." he nodded "yes i know that, but you see everyone here has a perpose. some kill for fun others to calm there insanity and some just to prove a point." i nodded "so why

would you pick me?" i asked jeff didn't say a thing. all he did was look forward and nod his head. we walked to the slender mansion and i saw it was in need of repair.

"its only on the outside. the inside is amazing we make it look like that so that no one comes near."

"i thought we where in the slender mansion away from the human world?" he shook his head and laughed "so many questions." i left that at that and held on to jack and my meat cleaver.

"can i pick my room?" i asked he nodded i walked into the broken down old house to see wonderful living room. marble floors, antic coaches and tables with lamps and figures. the windows where drapped with

golden cloth and reds.

"ill show you to your room." his voice echoed agenst the frail looking walls. "alright...."we walked through the black marble and stainless steel kitchen to the black marble spirl staircase. we walked up and he walked

me to a black door down the long hall way. then i heard a ear pericing scream

"thats just eye-less jack. dont worry the walls are sound proof." i heard another scream "most of them." he smiled, i nodded skipping behind him. he opened the door so i could see. i was amazed, black silk curtains

pulled back into a -i believe was real- silver bed frame, and black pillows, comforters, etc. over by the patio was a coach that was inbeaded with silver threads. throw pillows where in perfect shape on the coach and a

small blanket. a black coffee table was placed infront of it with black orcids in the center and 2 black and silver lamps oln the sides. 2 large chairs placed on either side. a large chandelier hang in the middle of the room

 it gave it a low tone that could be agusted. the black fuzzy carpet and the paintings on the walls. everything was amazing.

"is this my room?" he nodded. i smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thanks." i murmured letting go. i walced around the room singing an old song. jeff stood there with the smile that matched my own. but my eyes where

black, black as my soul. i sat on the bed "Jack." she pounced on the bed and snuggled onto my lap. "Do you have any raw meat?" i asked. he shook his head. "you or your pet will have to get it." i heard a low grumble\

from JAcks cheast.

'she doesn't like to be called a pet, she rather be called a compaion.' hissed the voices there new voices taunting my head. i repeted what they had said to me and jeff shook his head laughing. "alright." i nodded.

"i think we may in the frigerator in the basment, but at 3:00 sharp you are to meet everyone." i nodded "anything required for me to wear?" he shook his head. "wear as you please." i smiled. "Alright thank you." he nodded

and walked out of the room. i smiled and walked around. i stoped when i spotted a bathroom. i walked in to see a black and silver bathroom to match the room. i saw the black bath that was incrused with silver, a small staircase

led into the bathtude and in the corner was a shower. A double sink was next to the toilet. i saw another -but smaller- chanderler in the middle of the black and silver celling. i smiled and looked around more.  there was a closet

with black towls, soaps, oils, and extra blanket where stored.

i turned around to see someone he had black hair and his eyes where hidden by it. his smirk shown out and the pain in his voice was masked well

"welcome to hell." i smiled and laughed

"been there, i made it out.... im still there though." he nodded still smiling. "so may i ask you, your name?"

"which one?" he shrugged a shoulder. "both doen't matter." i giggled for no reason. "shadow, but people call me the shadow dolly." he let out a dry laugh "shadow dolly?" i nodded my face getting serious, i was starting to wonder

if i was bi-polor. "yes is there something wrong with my name?" i cluched the meet clever tightly.  "ahhh sweety no need to be so... tense." he murmured. my eye twiched. "tense?" i said watching as he circled me slowly. "hmmm are you

insane?" he asked me. i nodded "on what level?" i shook my head "why should i tell you?" i said. i felt his breath hit my neck "i should be able to know darling..." i pushed him away "im not your darling."i said walking out the bathroom

door to the bedroom then to the hallway. felling he was still close behind me i close my eyes and sharply turned and threw the blade at his cheast. it hit his and all he did was throw his head back and laugh. i smiled. he came close 

"you know you should be more careful," i wrapped my arms around his neck fully awear his cheast was NOT bleeding. "and if im not?" i whispered, he smirked before leaning down and licking the flesh of my open smile. this made me

shiver and smile more. he smirked, "i make you nervous." he whipered agenst my sliced cheek. "ohh my, it seems your right." he let out a small noise that was a laugh. his teeth tugged on the loose stiches. it didnt hurt it only stung a little

i pulled away and walked down the stair case pulling my cleaver from his cheast. "tease." i heard him mumble

'you know that he is nad news.'

'you really like him dont you?'

'you shouldnt be around him.'

all the voices taunted me tellingme this and that. i didnt care all i did was laugh and walk away leaving him to trail after me.

'his name is jeremy.' one said. i nodded walking into the kitchen. "you know your dangerous." he said cornering me agenst the counters "am i?" i smiled. he nodded and put his hand on either side of me. "what are you gonna do about it?"

he shrugged

"what do you think?" i jumped onto the counter. i pulled him close with his shirt in my fists. i heard the clatter of my knife on the floor. he nipped at my cheek grabbing flesh between his teeth. "you enjoy tasting my smile?" he nodded nuzling my neck

"i do." i smiled as he looked me in the eyes. i saw his purple eyes.  "you will do as i say." he tried to put me in a transe "sorry sweety not happing." he smiled "i didn't think so." he then did what i saw coming he kissed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2013 ⏰

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