Ch. 4 SaLlY fAcE

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Chapter 4
Sweet faces


~~~~~~~~~~~  Y/N’s POV  ~~~~~~~~~~

I opened the door to see a cute boy, wait a minute. That's Tommy! It's still two days from when Mark needs to leave so he must have came early. That might be why we have a 10 bedroom house. 5 for sleeping and 5 for streaming, even though I don’t stream. Marks been trying to get me to do it, but I'd rather focus on college. I’m a technology major. I was the one who helped him design the new language he uses on his streams. I stepped back, and yelled for Mark. 
“MARK, YOUR FRIEND IS HERE! GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE NOW!” I yelled hoping for him to come down here quickly. I saw Tommy staring at me. It was a little unnerving.
        Mark came up to me and started talking about his ‘important lore stream’ in two hours. I told Mark, 
“Hey it seams like your friend likes staring at others.” I said nonchalantly. It seamed to just click for him. He was getting ready to smack him upside the head, when his eyes met Marks hand. He quickly dodged. 
“Are you going to listen now?” Question Mark. 
“I think he is.” I said, not seeing the way blush danced on his cheeks. To that I chuckled.


    “And this is where you’ll be staying.” I said showing Tommy to his room. It was a plain gray room with some white finishes, and a king sized bed. The bed had gary comforters and a white blanket on the top. We already introduced each other.
    “Thank you,” He said. “I really appreciate this on such short notice.” He gave me a smile, and I returned it. We didn’t notice each others blush slowly crossing each others faces. That was until I stated out of the blue, 
    “We’re having pancakes for dinner, Do want any?” He looked shocked for a moment, but then changed to an apologetic one.
    “That would be lovely.” He said.


    As we got to the kitchen, I saw a hungary Mark waiting for pancakes. Of course they wouldn’t be done for another 20 to 23 minutes, Because SOMEONE interrupted my cooking, but I wasn’t going to tell them that. I told them to get seated and that they would get their food. I think I left out the part were it would take a couple minutes though. As I got the pan- wait, I DIDN’T TAKE THE PAN OFF THE STOVE! I rushed over to the stove and took the pan off of it. Running cold water through the sink, Put put the pan in the water, hearing a satisfying sizzle coming from the pan. I let the sink fill up with cold water and let the pan sit there. Meanwhile I got a new pan that wasn’t as hot. I closed the cupboard and put the new pan on the stove. I mixed together the pancake mix one more time to see my secret ingredient. It was brown and in tiny chunks, but there was a lot so it would make up for the flavor. A few minutes later and I have two hungry teenagers inn the dinning room, complaining. 
    “SHUT UP!” I yelled from the kitchin, “I WASN’T THE ONE WHO KNOCKED ONE THE DOOR WHEN I WAS GETTING READY TO COOK!” That shut them up for two minutes before I heard Mark shout. I was almost up the the last straw when I realized I was about to burn the last pancake. I quickly turned off the oven and picked up the spatula to put it on the plate. I had 16 pancakes on the plate ready to be eaten. I put the pan off of the burner and took the plate out with the boys. One was fumbling on his phone.


    I got my PJs on and got ready for bed. I got in my bed and looked at my phone to see if I have any notifications. I did. My phone was blowing up. I looked at them and they were all from Twitter. I sighed. Ill look at that later. I would have to take off my makeup if I wanted to sleep now. I got up and went to my wash room. I got to the sink and turned it on. It was a little too cold so I turned the heat up a little more. I grabbed a rag from my closet, which was behind me, and started to gently scrub the makeup off my face. It took me four seconds to realise that I needed some soap there too. Once I got all my natural-looking makeup off, I looked at myself in the mirror. There was a weirdly shaped scar on my nose all the way to my cheek. I have no memory of what happened. I went back to my bed. Instead of getting in my bed, I went to my computer. I knew I had something to do, but I couldn’t remember what. Me and Mark have memory problems, so I write down all the things I know I need to do that day. 
    I looked at my book and opened it up to today's date. I wrote down nothing, so it must have been a free day today. I looked at tomorrow. The fair was opening up so I thought that I could go. I looked at my money. I had a lot. That would get me three tickets and more. I remembered Tommy was here now. I could take him to the fair along with Mark! I thought for a few more seconds, then it was decided I would take Mark and Tommy with me to the fair. Wait, Tommy is famous, how will we not get recognized? I thought of a plan. Ok! I’ll take Tommys phone and say, “Hey I'm going somewhere, if you see me please don’t scream, or ask to take pictures, I'm going to try to take a free day.” I was sure this was going to work. I snuck out of my room, which was right next to Tommy and Mark’s room’s.

      I opened the door to Tommy’s room. He was asleep on the bed. I saw a phone on the table, locked into the charger. I creeped over to his phone, picked it up and tried to get it opened. It had a lock on it. I tried to unlock it with the password option. I tried a lot of things but, when he turned to meet my eyes, he mumbled something. He still had his eyes closed but it was like he could hear me, and he was a light sleeper. 
    “What..” I said quietly. 
    “It's your name…” He mumbled again but a little louder. Just enough for me to hear. I slightly blushed at this. He set my name as his password? I kissed his forehead. He smiled. I opened his phone again and typed in my name. It worked. He just met me, what was he thinking, setting his phone password to my name. Still at the thought I blush. He was thinking of me. I snapped back to the present. I looked for twitter, which was not hard to find, and started to type. Once I was done, I hit send. I turned his phone off and put it back down where I found it before. I slowly crept out of his room until I was in the hallway. He was thinking of me. The thought of that echoed in my mind. We just met today, what am I thinking! I opened the door to my room and closed it softly. When Tommy checks Twitter, I'm going to be in trouble, but I’ll worry about that tomorrow. I chuckle to myself and hop in bed.

1304 WORDS!

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