Table salt🧂🧂❤️❤️❤️😘

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They have fluffy, pale green hair and and dark green eyes with a pierced eyebrow and snake bites, they have they're ears pierced as well and usually wears some sort of green .
The give off classic toxic playboy vibes and don't tend to work well with others: constantly smells like axe body spay and is just a plain bully to the other atoms. 5'10ish

Sodium:they have platinum white hair the is usually messy and tangled and  have white eyes that reflect color in them ( these are atoms don't come for me I can say what I want) they tend to be short tempered and easily angered and usually don't work well with other without reacting harshly and exploding at the other atoms. Usually we're white and silver. 5'8

TW= cringy love story CRINGE

Chlorine POV
Sitting down at my desk I see that loser sodium studying, what a dork, I think to myself turning to face the window.
class had barely started and I was already bored I looked over to see what that nerd sodium was doing to see them face flat on the desk looking also pretty uninterested in this class, now that I think of it I've never paid much attention to Sodium they're always alone unlike some atoms who hang out with their molecules(groups,gangs, friends,friend group etc)
I've heard no one wants to be molecules with them because of their temper and tendency to blow up at people and I've seen them react to the water molecules, yeah no way am I getting near them even if I wanted to. I take another glance at sodium to see them studying not the text book but me, jeez what a creep, I think to myself because I totally wasn't doing the same a second a go. I look hold eye contact with them a bit longer before they flip me off and turn to face the teacher again. Oh you jerk it's on.

1/? tablesalt

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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