The Confession?

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*Manolo's POV*

I sat on the ground, devastated from the divorce. I was trembling uncontrollably. 'She loves another man. Forget about her,' I thought. I got up and dragged myself home.

*next day*

As I trailed down the path, I saw my best friend, Joaquín, being a confident man. He saw me and ran towards me as he knew what had happened the previous day. He grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Are you alright!? Have you eaten!? Did you sleep!?" he asked with a lot of concern in his voice. I put my hands on his arms and told him I was alright. He heaved a sigh of relief. I thanked him for his concern and continued to take my stroll. Joaquín caught up with me and he asked if he could walk with me. I smiled and nodded.


*Joaquín's POV*

As Manolo and me chatted, my mind couldn't stop thinking about him. I used to like María but I've been questioning my sexuality for quite awhile now. I ignored that as I was spending time with my best friend. His laugh made me smile and blush. He looked at me, noticing my red face.

"You alright, 𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘰?" He asked. I shook my head vigorously and nodded.

"Hey Manolo? May I tell you something?" I asked.

"Sure," He smiled.

It's been quite awhile since I liked him. I only had a little crush on María. I had to tell him right? But he just had a divorce yesterday. Thoughts began to invade my mind.

"𝘈𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘰?" Manolo sounding concern.

"Manolo, I think you're very cool and awesome. You have a cute personality and I really like you," I looked away, shyly.

He kept silent. Knowing that I messed up, I immediately apologised and ran to my home.


*Manolo's POV*

How was I suppose to react? I continued to stand there in shock.


Best Friends or..? (Joaquin x Manolo)Where stories live. Discover now