Part 2

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I woke up in the office, I must have fallen asleep by mistake. It was dark and empty. No one was around and I was so confused and dizzy. This was my fault for drinking last night. I get drunk so easily. I went around the office trying to find the lights. As I was feeling around I touched a firm warm object. "What the fuck?" I opened my eyes wider to see, the boss. "So my report?" "I fell asleep." Unprofessional." "I'm not unprofessional." "Where is my report again?" I rolled my eyes, "its not my fault I'm still hungover." "Whos the one who chose to drank?" "Me." "Unprofessional." "Can you stop that, I'm a human too you know, I'm sure you've gotten drunk with your friends too." "I don't have friends." "What? Everyone has friends." "Not me, I'm too busy." "Doing what? Ruining others lives?" "Heh funny." He says hardly laughing. I sigh, "we should go out drinking then." "That would be incredible unprofessional." "Not if we aren't at work." "You came today with a hang over. It can affect work." "Don't you have a girlfriend, or a wife?" "No? Why would I?" "You can't seriously be completely alone. What about grandparents?" "They died when I was young." "Cousins? Aunt? Uncle?" "I never knew them." "Who the fuck raised you?" "I was in the system till I was 15 and then I bought my own mansion and didn't have to worry about it." "You can't be serious." "Yea I am why would I not be serious I'm always serious." I look at him, his side angle was so nice, his strong jawline and gorgeous Adams apple. "Have you even ever had sex?" He turns to me in confusion. "What's that?" I gasp. "No I'm only kidding, I know what it is. And yes I have." I laugh, "you made a funny joke." He laughs, "what you think I don't know how?" "Yeah I kind of did, you're so professional and serious." "I am that's true." I rest my head on his shoulder, I can barely keep my eyes open. I feel his head turn to me and he doesn't even bother to move me. 

I wake up the next morning in a comfy chair. There's a coat on top of me and I realize I'm in the bosses office. "You're awake." He says, I nod. "I'm so fucking tired." "Well I'm hoping to get that report before the year ends."  My eyes go wide, "shit the report." "Yes the report that you still have yet to turn in, unprofessional." I roll my eyes, scratching my nose. "What time is it?" "8 AM, I expect it by 10 AM on the dot." I jump up. "I didn't even change." "You didn't go home." "My neck is killing me." "I'll bet you fell asleep on my shoulder." "Sorry about that, I just can't seem to keep my eyes open right now." "Its fine, you have 1 hour and 58 minutes now." I walk out of his office, I sit at my cubicle, my hair still messy, haven't even brushed my teeth. "Ugh." The office suck up comes over to me. "Girl you look so bad this morning, heard you and boss got the hots for each other." He says dramatically. "No? And yeah fell asleep at my desk." "And woke up on his?" He giggles and runs away before I can even answer. "This is so stupid we didn't do anything." I run my hands through my hair sighing. I barely started this stupid report and I have an hour and 56 minutes to complete it. I started writing immediately and attempted to get as much as I could done. He wouldn't get too mad if I didn't finish right? 

After the whole hour was done I still hadn't finished, I sat at my computer continued to type the same shit over and over again. He walked over to my desk, I could hear his expensive shoes clacking on the floor. He leaned on my cubicle. "So you ready to present the report?" "Uh rain check?" I said high pitched. He rolled his eyes, "unprofessional yet again." "Come on I only had 2 hours how the fuck am I supposed to do it?" "Actually Ms. Martin you had 3 days and you still have yet to complete it. So again I say unprofessional." I glare at him, "I'm trying my hardest okay? Sorry if that's not good enough for your Harvard shit." "Your hardest is not anything at all, you're lazy and unoriginal. You wrote the same thing over and over and its wordy and boring. I've never read a report and wanted to kill myself more than this report. If you don't know how to properly do this, I don't think you're fit for this job." He walked away, leaving me in shock. I don't fucking care I'm finishing this report I'll show him. 

"Goodnight Julia, good luck." Franny said to me before leaving the building. It was just me and the boss now left. Again. I continued typing on my computer almost done with the report, I think the rewording had really fixed it. The report didn't seem all that bad anymore. I finally finished and printed it. I brought it into his office, "I'm done." I threw it at his desk. He looked at the papers then up at me. "Wow, I'm impressed only took you 4 days." "4 days?" "Its 1:09 AM Ms. Martin." "What the fuck, there's no way I stayed that late, I'm hardly tired. "Read the report." He scrolled through his eyes moving so quick, you can tell he's a fast reader. He finished in 2 minutes and it was 5 pages. "It was okay, where's the spice and what makes you an original writer?" "I'm not sure." "Add more words that intrigue the writer." "What the fuck do you want me to do? That's the best I could do." "I told you earlier that if you can't keep up with the pace we're going in, then you can leave." "Why do you hate me?" "I do not hate you Ms. Martin, I simply can't be bothered being friends with a lazy, unoriginal, dry human being." "I'm not lazy, dry, or unoriginal I'm a great girl for your information." "Basic comeback." "What's that supposed to mean?" "You're just like every other, you have no experience, you don't know wat you're doing you think everything will get handed to you just because you're pretty, you'd be best to just do porn online." I slap him across the face. "PORN ONLINE?! HOW DARE YOU, YOU'D BE BETTER IF YOU LEFT THIS OFFICE AND NEVER CAME BACK YOU SON OF A BITCH! GOOD JOB NOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT MY LAZY, UNPROFESSIONAL SHIT YOU ALWAYS SAY I QUIT!" "Okay bye." He said waving to me. My anger was getting too much I wanted to choke him. "Fuck you." I said walking out of his office. He walks out of his office and I thought he was going after me, "don't follow me." I say. "I'm not I'm getting another coffee." "Oh" "You want a cup?" I look at him in shock, he's acting like he didn't just say what he did. "Uh sure." I walk over there. It stays silent as I slurp my coffee. "So where do you plan on going now?" "I have no idea, some idiot suggested porn." He laughs. "What are you laughing at?" "Why do you take it to heart?" "What does that mean?" "That means I say one bad thing and you act like that creates a whole new personality for you, you care far too much what others think." "No I don't" "Oh really, was that not you in my office screaming less than 3 minutes ago?" "Shut up." I said elbowing his arm. He laughs, I turn to him and he looks at me. Our lips collide. "WOAH" I scream. "You kissed me." "No you kissed me!" We were both shocked at what had just happened. "Was it bad?" He asked. "What?" "Did I kiss bad or something?" "No? It was fine." "Just fine?" "It was cool I guess." I replied. He grabs my face, throwing his lips on mine. I can feel his tongue inside my mouth. He stops the kiss managing to pour a few drops of spit on the floor. "Fuck!" He says. "How was that?" He looks at me, like he needs my acceptance. "It was good." I say with a smirk. We stare into each others eyes for a while and then he grabs me again and I go with it. We make out and he makes his way down to my neck. I let out a slow moan. He smirks and I can feel it against my skin. He pulls away, "so dinner tomorrow night?" I nod. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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