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Peter is in the kitchen cleaning the dishes and he see a picture of him and Tony a few minutes later.

"I've got mild inspiration. I'd like to see if it checks out." Peter says.

"so, I'd like to run one last SIM before we pack it in for the night." Peter says.

"this time, in the shape of a mobius strip, inverted, please." Peter says.

"processing." KAREN says.

"right, give me the eigenvalue, of that particle factoring in spectral decomp." Peter says.

"that'll take a second." Peter says while drinking his drink.

"just a moment." KAREN says.

"and don't worry if it doesn't pan out." Peter says.

"I'm just kinda." Peter says while eating.

"model rendered." KAREN says.

"model complete." KAREN says.

"shit!" Peter says in surprised tone.

"shit!" Sarah says and Peter turn to Sarah.

"what are you doing up, little miss?" Peter asks quietly.

"shit." Sarah says.

"nope. We don't say that." Peter says.

"only mommy says that word." Peter says.

"so coined it. It belongs to her." Peter says.

"why are you up?" Sarah asks.

"because I've got some important shit going on here!" Peter says.

"why do you think?" Peter asks and Sarah look at Peter.

"no i got, I got something on my mind." Peter says.

"I got something on my mind." Peter says.

"was it juice pops?" Sarah asks.

"sure was." Peter says.

"that's extortion. That's a word." Peter says.

"what kind you want?" Peter asks while walking to Sarah.

"great mind think alike." Peter says while walking to Sarah and he hold Sarah's hand.

"juice pops exactly was on my mind." Peter says while walking and while holding Sarah's hand a few minutes they're at Sarah's room.

"you done? Yeah?" Peter asks.

"now you are." Peter says.

"here. Wipe." Peter says and he wipe Sarah's face.

"good. That face goes there." Peter says.

"tell me a story." Sarah says.

"a story." Peter says.

"once upon a time, Sarah went to bed. The end." Peter says.

"that is a horrible story." Peter says.

"come on, that's your favorite story." Peter says.

"love your tons." Peter says and he kissed Sarah's forehead.

"I love you 10,000." Sarah says and Peter turn the lights off.

"10,000. That's crazy." Peter says.

"got to bed or I'll well your toys." Peter says while walking out of the room.

"night. Night." Peter says while walking out of the room.

"not that it's a competition but she loves me 10,000." Peter says while walking.

"does she, now?" Gwen asks while holding a book.

"you were somewhere in the low 20 to 1,000 range." Peter says.

"whatcha reading?" Peter asks.

"just a book know composting." Gwen says while holding a book.

"what's new with composting?" Peter asks.

"interesting science..." Gwen was interrupted by Peter.

"I figured it out." Peter says and Gwen turn to Peter.

"by the way." Peter says.

"and, you know, just so we're talking about the same thing." Gwen says while holding a book.

"time travel." Peter says.

"what?" Gwen asks while holding a book.

"that's amazing and terrifying." Gwen says while holding a book.

"that's right." Peter says and he walks to Gwen.

"we got really lucky." Gwen says while holding a book.

"yeah. I know." Peter says.

"a lot of people didn't." Gwen says while holding a book.

"nope. And I can't help everyone." Peter says.

"sorta seems like you can." Gwen says while holding a book.

"not if I stop." Peter says.

"I can put pin in it right now and stop." Peter says.

"Peter trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my entire life." Gwen says while holding a book.

"something tells me I should put it in a lock box and drop it to the button of the lake and go to bed." Peter says.

"but Wat would you be able to rest?" Gwen asks while holding a book.

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