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A cool hard metal surface is pressed against my cheek. My breaths come out in strangled gasps piercing the silence. I struggle to sit up but, like a switch pain surges through my body and a moan escapes before I collapse back to the floor. Searing pain emittes from my leg making me incapable of trying another attempt.

While striving to control the shudders wracking through my body I finally try to gauge my surroundings.
I see nothing.

I blink in rapid succession in hope that my eyes deceive me.
There is nothing!
Fears grips my mind as that one thought races through. I rack my brain for any memory as to how I got here or more importantly who put me here.

The sudden clang of chains echoes throughout the darkness. My body freazes as I hold my breath in anticipation. The floor lurches upward    and I let out a gasp of surprise.

The motion resurfaces a memory of when I was on a boat, but with whom?  The people are definitely there but their faces are non existant as if the artist had forgotten to paint them in. I flit through many memories, riding a bike, eating ice cream with a friend but their faces are still strangely absent.
I cannot even recall any conversations spoken to me, even though my brain works without flaw.

I lie in deep thought mulling over the confusion the situation presents. Without even being aware I had shifted my body and I let out a hiss of pain and the pain begins a fresh.
I wait and try to mentally prepare myself to sit up so as to examine my wound. With hope I focus on the rythmic swaying to try to distract myself from the pain.

After awhile the pain recedes to a dull throb and before I have time to talk myself out of it, I shoot upward to a sitting position. Stars dance before my eyes and I grit my teeth to try to muffle the cries of pain that arise from within me.
Tentatively I guide my hand down my leg where the warm sensation of blood greets my fingertips. Moving my fingers around the rip in my jeans before I feel the feel the hole in my leg.
A gunshot!
The crack of the shot rips through the air.
Chaya! The distant sound of a man yelling my name. Then darkness.

I'm wondering who is screaming until I realize that it's me. I am gripping my hair trying to gain control of myself. A sob breaks free and before I know it my voice is raw and no sound comes out.

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