part 2: The Graveyard

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Everyone got in the view of the camera. He starts his intro  

Elton- “so here we are in Tallahassee Florida at a cemetery. about 4 hours from where we are staying for the weekend, I hope it will be worth it. Anyway, we have here with us tonight, Rachel, Brittney and you all probably know him, Cole Sprouse. We met them at a Halloween fun park, they were cool, so we invited them.” 

Elton pulled out his phone and pulled up the site where he got the place's name and told the history about it. 

Elton- “so right behind us is the old city cemetery in Tallahassee Florida. It is the oldest cemetery here and it was the resting place for all the witches. so here we go into the dark and masteries graveyard.” 

They all head into the graveyard, and they sit all their stuff down. They all sit around one of the graves. Elton grabbed his backpack and pulled out a long and thin board. Corey jumps up  

Rachel- “what's wrong Corey” 

Corey- “you're not scared of that thing”  

Rachel- “no not really. Why are you so scared of a board?” 

Corey- " wow, do you know what can happen if you mess with one these?" 

Rachel- "Yes, and it doesn't bother me."  

Rachel smiled. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Rachel, but Colby did not have a creeped-out face as everyone else did. He just stared at her with a smile on his face. 

Brittney looked at Rachel and walked over to her. 

Brittney- “are you really ready to tell them why you're not scared of the board, because I know at least one of them will ask.” 

Rachel- “I think I am, as long as she is here with me tonight like all the other nights, we played it.” 

Rachel and Britney walked back over to the group and sat back down around the board. 

Corey- “so why aren't you scared of the board like all of us possies” 

Rachel takes a deep breath. 

Rachel- “every time I play with this board. anywhere I play it, my grandparents always find me a communicate with me. That is why I'm not scared of it.” 

Everyone stared at her in disbelief except Britney. 

Rachel- “I know Y'all don't believe me now but just wait you'll see.” 

So, they were all sitting around the board, everyone put 2 fingers on the planchette. They all circled the board three times. 

Everybody- “Ouija we are here” 

Colby- “is there any spirits here that would like to talk to one of us here” 

The planchette moved slowly to yes 

Rachel- “who do you want to talk too” 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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