Chapter 18

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Its been a perfect 2 month things could not be better. Me and Ariana have been super close she even got a little bump showing. She moved in so we can get prepared for the baby and i couldnt ask for anything better. Me and dua have been closer as well we've been texting and calling eachother everyday these last 2 months and im not gonna lie i miss it even though she hurt me i could see shes trying.

Me, Camila, Carter, Ariana and Victoria are in the bed watching 'Lucifer' right now because they just dropped a new season and ariana was gonna cry if i said we wasnt watching it.

"Bambi, pass me my water" i said not taking my eyes off the TV. "somebody texted you" she said as she gave me the phone and it was dua that was texting me which made me smile at the text. "hey ill be back in a hour" i said getting up and putting on my crocs and left before anyone could say anything.

"Dua you suck" i laughed as she died in COD again. Ive been over here for a couple hours just laughing and reminiscing about the old times. Ariana has been blowing my phone up. "Your cheating your not even letting me win" she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Your girlfriends calling" she handed me my phone. "Shes not my girlfriend" i rolled my eyes and put my phone on DND. "I thought yall dated" dua poured a glass of wine "We did but we broke due to certain reasons i rather not talk about" i turned the game off and put on 'The Conjuring' as she gave me a understanding nod. "You remembered" she smiled. "How can i forget, this was our favorite movie" i turned up the TV. 

 After the movie we just talked about any and everything. "Its 4 in the morning" i looked at the clock. I didnt check my phone because i know who is texting and blowing me up. "Oh my god, we have been up talking for hours.... I kinda miss that" she sipped her wine.

"Yea we had good times together" i smiled. "Yea we did, but are you gonna help me write my song at the studio tommorow?" she asked and i nodded. "Yea just text me the address and stuff and ill be there" i said getting up and collecting my things.

"Ill see you later, Dula peep" i laughed at the inside joke and she blushed. "Bye Y/n " i smiled and soon left the house with a huge smile on my face.

When i got in the car i checked my phone to see 194 Messages and 27 missed calls from Ariana  damn i know when i get home arianas gonna kill me. I took a deep breath and began my ride home.

I pulled up to my house and the bedroom light was on. "Fuck" i said to myself as i got out the car and walked in the house. Tiptoeing through the house so i can be extremely quiet but when i got to the stairs it made a loud ass creak. "Fucking idiot" i said as i just walked normally upstairs and into my room to see Camila, Victoria and Ariana with a pissed off look on their face.

"Hey Guys" i said awkwardly. "Where the fuck were you" Ariana said with a attitude. "Do you know what time it is" Victoria crossed her arms and then camila started cussing me out in spanish i mentally rolled my eyes.

"First off, Camila i dont know what your saying" i said pointing at her and she took a deep breath.  "Second off, Im grown and i dont belong to no one but my momma and my daddy." i pointed at Vic. "And Third, I was out with a couple of the boys" i lied to Ariana.

"Ariana call us in the morning i gotta go before i kill this girl" Vic said standing up and walking out. "Jesse you are a stupid fuck" Camila said smacking me in the head then kissing the same spot she smacked and then walked out like bipolar ass.

So now its just me and ariana. Shes not speaking just sitting there watching me as i take my clothes off and get in the bed. "Did you eat today?" i asked fixing my pillow and she rolled her eyes. "No, I wasnt hungry because i was to busy worrying about when my dumbass baby mother was coming home" she hit me with a pillow.

"Awwwwn was you worried about little ol me" i smiled and she hit me again. "Your an asshole, you couldnt have texted me letting me know your okay, i was worried about you y/n" she said. "I could have but i didnt" i said sitting up and she looked like she wanted to punch me dead in my face.

"Are you ready to go to sleep?" i asked grabbing her hand and she snatched away from me. "No you can sleep on the couch" she took the cover off of me. "Are you serious?" i laughed. "Im not laughing take a pillow and go downstairs" she snatched the pillow from my side of the bed and throw it at me while i laughed.

"Bambi, im sorry that i worried you, but im fine" i said putting my pillow back where it was. "Bye y/n" she said with a serious face but i wasnt finna sleep on the couch so i did what i do best and kissed her. "No, Kissing isnt gonna shut me up" she rolled her eyes.

So i kissed her neck. "Jesse.... Thats not gon-gonna work" She tried to hold her ground but failed. "Jesse, you had me worried" she said grabbing my head as i started kissing all of the right spots. "I know" i said against her neck. 

"I didnt meant it honestly" i looked up at her and she tried to fight her smile but lost. "I hate you" she laughed. "I know, now lets cuddle and go to sleep so my little princess can eat a good breakfast in the morning " i kissed her stomach and laid down with my arms wrapped around her. "Okay, but im still mad" she said hiding her face in my neck. "I love you" she whispered and soon sleep took over.


I woke up in Jesses arms with a mild stomach pain it hurt a little but not to bad so ill just make appointment tomorrow about it.  I just figured it was from Last night because i was crying and didnt eat but jesse came back and said she was hanging with the guys. I believe her she wouldnt lie to me. "Jesse, im hungry get up" i shook her body but she just groaned and held me tighter as good as it felt i had to wake her up because im hungry as fuck.

"JESSE!" i yelled and she shot up. "is the baby okay?" she panicked. "No" i said trying to hold my laugh to her reaction. "Whats wrong?" she looked at me with wide eyes. "We are hungry" i smiled and she throw a pillow at me and laid down while i died of laughter.

"Thats not funny" she said in her arms. "Please im hungry" i whined and she got up only wearing a sports bra and calvin klein briefs and walked into the bathroom i guess to brush her teeth then she walked downstairs and i followed her to see what she was doing.

"Bubs, what are you doing?" i asked as she was in the cabinets looking for something. "Are you not hungry" she looked at me as she grabbed the waffle box. "Yes" i smiled. "We need eggs, can you go to the market down the street please" she said getting the coffee ready and i nodded and went upstairs and did my morning stuff and put on clothes and then soon left.

As im walking in the aisle for the eggs somebody tapped me on my shoulder so i turn around. "Ariana, Right?.... Im dua lipa" she put her hand out for me to shake it. "Nice to meet you" i said shaking her hand. "I seen you and didnt want to be rude so i thought i should probably  introduce my self" she smiled.

"Oh, yea jesse told me about you" i said. "She most likely told you about high school" she said sadly and i nodded. " I hurt her alot, but im really happy we started hanging out again" she smiled and im like bitch what the fuck you mean you hanging out with her.

"You 2 are talking again?" i said shocked. "Yea, last night we talked for hours and she told me she missed me. These last 2 months have been great" she pulled out her phone and showed me pictures of them too and bitch when i tell you i was mad as fuck, i wanted to punch this bitch. "Yea, iam happy to, Ill tell her you said hi" i said grabbing my eggs. "theres no need, shes coming to the studio with me today but good to finally meet you" she said and walked away "You to".

I paid for the eggs and left the store and hurried home. Why the fuck would she lie to me and most importantly why didnt she tell me she was messing around with dua. Jesse has been kissing me and showing me all this affection just for her to go run and be with the bitch that broke her heart. IAM ANGRY AS FUCK.

When i pulled home i grabbed the eggs and went in the house and slammed the door. 

"Hey bubs" i smiled. "hey bambi, did you get the eggs" she smiled like i didnt just find out this bitch has been lying to me for 2 months. "Yes, here they are" i handed her the bag and looked at her with my eyes squinted.

"Good, so we can eat and hang out before i go with the boys" she smiled and took the eggs and all honestly i wanted to pour that hot ass coffee on her.

"So You and dua have been really close i hear"


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