Chapter IV: Intentions

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June 12 2021

The Group were still by the lake as they were having fun while eating some food. The Vacation At Camp Green Forest was going well and they were enjoying it too. The Group were having so much fun that they didnt realise the time was twelve fifty two p.m.

Trish: Wow We've been here for so long.

Jack: Holy Crap, Its already Twelve fifty three.

Alexa: Time sure flies by when we were spending time together.

Charlotte: I agree on that, Time always flies by quickly.

Deonna: Indeed, So What should we all do?

Wyatt: How about we tell spooky stories?

Dario: We can do that at night actually.

Eleanor: I agree on that.

Chris: Maybe we can go exploring.

Daniel: I guess we can do that.

Pat: Sounds fun actually but let's not go too far.

Kairi: I agree on that.

Courtney: Well Me and Tom will take a walk in the woods.

Tom: Great idea.

Peyton: Guess Me and Jack will explore the campgrounds.

Jack: Sure let's do that.

Eleanor: Come on Wyatt, Let's go check out the other cabins.

Wyatt: Sure.

Charlotte: Where do you wanna go Mike?

Micheal: Wherever you want to go Beautiful.

Charlotte: How about a walk?

Micheal: Sure.

Alexa: Come on Pat, Let's go exploring.

Pat: But Where-

Alexa grabbed his hand as they both ran into the forest as the group smiled at each other.

Dario: I guess Me and Kairi could stay at the cabins.

Kairi: Yeah and Watch some movies too.

Daniel: What do you wanna do Love?

Trish: Maybe a walk would be nice?

Chris: Guess Me and Deonna are gonna stay by the cabin too.

The Group all decided to go their own ways as they were all excited for exploring the camp and seeing the wildlife there but unknown to them Elizabeth was looking at the group as she was looking at her nails and looked back at the group.

Elizabeth: Have your fun, Eventually Your Happy Trip will turn into a Nightmare.

Meanwhile In Dalton's House, Dalton was at the attic as he was smoking some weed while looking at some magazines. Dalton began drinking some beer as he saw a mask as he wore it and continued smoking. He continued looking at the magazines until he received a phone call from someone as he answered it.

Dalton: Hey Jerry, How are you?

Jerry: Doing good brother. What about you?

Dalton: I'm good man, I'm just smoking while looking through some magazines.

Jerry: Typical You.

Dalton: Shut up Brother. By the way, I want to tell you something.

Jerry: Dude, I don't want to hear your boring stories man.

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