🥀Chapter Nineteen🥀

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Opening my eyes I clutched my head instantly as I felt a headache coming on. I sat up slowly blinking a few times as I adjusted to the light. I was in my room but how did I get here? I don't remember reaching home.

I pulled the covers off as I stood up and saw that I was still in my work clothes. There was an ice bag on the small table beside my bed. On the other side of the room I saw my bag and some of the files were beside it.

Then everything started coming back to me.

Zed tried to choke me and then he slapped me. I touched my cheek and I flinched from the ache. Then Devin showed up and he somehow managed to take me home. I was so grateful for that. I knew I had an explanation to give him. Maybe this was the time he knew about my past.

After changing into something simple I went to the bathroom. I stared in horror as I examined my face. There was a red mark on my cheek and my hair looked like I was fighting with a dog. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before leaving the room to go find Devin.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen as I heard a sound coming from it. He was sitting around the table eating breakfast whilst on his phone. I saw an extra plate on the opposite side and I went and sat down.


He looked up from his phone as he stared at me. He didn't answer; instead he kept looking at me as if he was trying to read my mind. He didn't look angry or confused. He didn't look anything.

"Why were you at Mordechai's penthouse so late?", he asked as I took a bite of the French toast. I was seriously starving as I didn't eat anything last night.

"I...", was the only thing that came from my mouth. I didn't know if I should tell him exactly what happened or just get straight to why I was at his house.

"And I want the truth", he said tilting his head as he watched my expression. I sighed before averting my eyes from his.

"He despised me. He looks down on me because am not as high as him. He said things that hurt me and...I broke down. After that I left the office and went to the park to be alone. There was a meeting that I had to go to and I didn't because I just didn't feel like it.  He was pissed at me and said I should be punished", I say as I gripped the fork tighter in my hand.

"You know what he did?", I say as I met his eyes but he remained quiet signalling me to continue.

"He took me to his penthouse and commanded me to finish all those documents you see in the bags, alone. He didn't even ask some of the assistants at the office to do some, he left everything to me and told me that I should be done by friday!".

I took a few breaths as I calmed myself down and continued eating.

"That wasn't right. Files should be split between the assistants and you may be his personal assistant but you don't deserve such a harsh punishment ; even thou it was his fault as to why you didn't attend the meeting. But what am mainly upset about was that he didn't drop you off!."

Devin was just as upset and angry as I was. Atleast he believed in fairness and equality. Afterall, he's black and people of his racial background have a hard time fitting in. Sometimes I wish the world was equal and people don't have to hide who they really were or have to be looking over their shoulders for rich or racist people.

"You could've gotten raped or even worst if I wasn't there in time. And it was all Mordechai's fault. I think I need to have a word with him", Devin said as his face twisted in many different forms.

My mind was blank but I was glad that he didn't found anything suspicious. I would've to tell him who Zed was and why he wanted me back. Things will only get harder from now on because Devin punched Zed and he was the leader of a gang. This could get ugly before you know it.

I rubbed my head as I felt a wave of stress coming on. I stood up clutching my head as I hear a chair moved and then I felt Devin's hand on me.

"Hey, don't stress too much ok? I need to go out for a while so when I get back we can talk some more", he said as I nod and left the kitchen. I went back to my room and laid down on my side.

I checked my phone and saw seven missed calls from Franco, one from Devin - from last night, and two from Mordechai. He must be throwing a fit noticing that I won't be showing up for work today. He can have Tif get his coffee for him and attend his meetings.

I checked my texts and saw three from Franco. One was a 'how are you?', the next was 'why aren't you picking my calls?', and the last was ' I'm coming to see you'. My eyes stayed fixated on the last text because I'm sure he meant it. The message was sent a couple of hours ago so maybe he forgot that he even sent it. Perhaps but I was too stressed to think about it.

I sighed before putting my phone down and turned onto my other side. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I fell into a deep slumber.


I was awoken by loud knocking on the door. I didn't know who it was but I wasn't changing my clothes. I was in a shorts and oversized blouse. I left the room as I tried to get my hair from out of my face. Once downstairs I was about to open the door then I remembered the bruise on my cheek.

I hurriedly used my fingers to comb my hair to the side so my cheek wasn't showing. Once finished I opened the door and there was Franco looking good as always. He wore a black suit with a striped tie and there was a gold brooche on his pocket. His car was parked as four bodyguards stood around it.

"Miss Collins, I didn't think you sleep until this late in the morning. I stopped by your work place but an assistant told me you weren't there", he said as I nod slowly.

His eyes went to my legs then back up to my top area before they met my face. This must be something I should get used to because last time we met,  he did the same thing.

"Would you like to come in?", I say as his face lit up and he smiled.

He snapped his fingers then I saw the guards enter the car and closed the doors. I stepped aside so he could enter and when he did I closed the door. I watched as he took a seat on one of the couches and continued to stare at me. 

I went and sat on the couch but I left a long distance between us.

"So why didn't you go to work today?", he asked scooting closer to me.

"I took a day off", I replied as I turned and looked at him. His expression was unreadable as I continued looking into his eyes. What were his intentions? What was I to him? Why did he have such an interest in me? Why did he came to see me now?

"You're a very beautiful woman vanessa, I bet you don't see that for yourself", he said as I turned my gaze away and let out a small laugh. I wasn't beautiful. I was ugly both on the outside and deeper on the inside.
He didn't know anything about me.

"What do you want from me Franco? Be a man and stop beating around the bush and say what's on your mind".

He seemed taken aback by my sudden change of mood but I had to say it. I needed to know what his intentions were. He was about to say something but he stopped and instead he came so close to me that our bodies were touching.

"I think you know my intentions already but, there's more to it than just that. There's something about you vanessa, something -

Knock! Knock!

I stood up quickly and walked shakily to the door. My mind was in a haze as I tried to catch my breath. I didn't have feelings for him so why did his body affected mine? Was it because I haven't been touched in years?

I groaned before I opened the door only to came face to face with a pissed off Mordechai. I swallowed as I held the door for support.

Just great.


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