🥀Chapter Twenty🥀

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Vanessa Collins

"Not listening to my orders was one thing but not showing up for work without letting me know, is a totally different story", was his first words but I kept my mouth shut. I seriously wasn't in the mood for this.

He was dressed in a dark grey suit and his hair was a bit messy but still shiny. He placed his hands in his pockets as he looked at me. His face became blank as he eyed me up and down. What's with men not controlling their eyes especially at a time like this?. I sighed as I rest my head on the door.

"Mr. Lenetti, fancy seeing you here", I heard Franco said as he came to the door and kept looking at Mordechai. The room felt somewhat heavy and I turned and went to sit down. My body was in a state that I couldn't explain. I watched as they shook each other's hands but there was something not welcoming about it.

He sat on the couch opposite of me but Franco sat back exactly where he was. Only thing was that he wasn't straddling my body. My arms got goosebumps as that thought took over my mind. I shouldn't have felt that way when he did it ; I should've resisted easily.

There was no way I had feelings for Franco Osvaldo. The man who only wanted my body.

"Why weren't you at work today?", Mordechai asked as he rest his elbows on his knees as he watched me.

I glanced over at Franco but he only had his eyes on Mordechai. His face was stern in a way that scared me. I've never seen him so serious before; it was truly surprising.

"I took the day off because I wasn't feeling well", I replied as I kept my eyes from his.

"How far are you with the files?", he asked and that was when I felt a wave of anger. How far did he expect me to be? It had just being one day!.

"What do you want Mordechai?", I say with such a low tone. All I wanted to do was go back to bed. People say when you're stressed you sleep alot and I guess I was in that position now. I just wanted the both of them to leave.

"Vanessa, I'll be taking my leave now. I'll see you Saturday ok?", Franco said as he got up and was about to just walk off but instead he turned and gave me a wink. He looked at Mordechai for a few seconds before leaving the living room.


"What was he doing here?".

"Excuse me?", I say out of disbelief. He didn't just ask me that. It was none of his business.

"You have no right to ask me that", I replied folding my arms and relaxing on the couch. Might as well get comfy if he's going to be lecturing me.

"Whatever. You weren't at work and you didn't even inform me about anything. That's not the way things work".

"But giving someone a bunch of documents then leaving them out at night without dropping them home - to get a taxi is how things work right?", I replied as I glared at him. I stood up and went to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of juice.

I took a sip before leaning on the kitchen isle. I heard his footsteps getting closer but I didn't even budge. I stayed to my spot and continued sipping my juice.

"You're so intolerable you know that?".

"And you aren't?", I replied without even thinking. He may be my boss but he didn't own my mouth and my rights to speak whatever I wanted.

"I want you at work tomorrow morning at eight sharp -

"Why? I may be your personal assistant but be honest, do you really need me around? Isn't Tiffany good enough to do your tasks for you?. Afterall she's just as wealthy as you and I'm sure you can tolerate her", I said before finishing off my juice and went to wash the glass.

"You don't make the rules, I do. I'm your boss whether you like it or not and you must do as I say. I want you at work tomorrow at eight sharp or else the consequences won't be pretty".

"I can't go to work because something happened and I need to stay home for a few days. Can't you have a little sympathy?", I say throwing my hands in the air as I looked at him then shook my head.

"There's a meeting tomorrow a few miles away from the city and you're my assistant so you have to be there. Collecting notes and running my errands", he replied with an evil smirk.

"I am not going. You can take Tiffany with you", was my last response before I tried to leave the kitchen.

Key word 'tried'.

He grabbed my arm before pushing me until I was up against the fridge. I tried to pull away but he held my wrists and placed them over my head. I was about to knee him but he gave me a 'don't even think about it' look.
He brought his lips to ear and I felt my body shiver. I was debating whether I should knee him or not when he spoke.

"I don't like being challenged vanessa, I thought I told you that before".

His voice was deep as he sent shivers down my spine. I turned my head away when he tried to look in my eyes and focused on something that wasn't him. I should be resisting easily ; thinking of it, what was I doing not trying to break free from his grip?!.

I pulled away and stepped back from him as I rubbed my wrists. They would've been beat red if I didn't pull away. I looked at him but he had his head tilted as he studied me.

I heard a car pulling up and I knew it was Devin. I looked back at Mordechai but he was checking something on his phone. His face twisted in many different emotions before he sighed and put his phone away.

The sound of the door opening was evident and then I heard footsteps. I stood against the wall as I watched Devin coming closer. He gave me a confused look but it immediately fell when he saw Mordechai.

"Mordechai, what are you doing here?", he asked as he took off his jacket and placed it on the chair. He had a grocery bad which he placed on the counter before looking back at Mordechai.

"I came to see why my assistant wasn't at work", was his reply as he looked at me. I then saw Devin's face went completely serious.

"That's funny because I didn't think you cared about your assistant", he said as Mordechai's face twisted in confusion.

"What do you mean Devin?", he replied as he glared at him. The tension was getting more serious but I didn't know what to do.

"How can you have an assistant leave your place at night without driving her home? And those files, that was very unfair of you and you know it. Vanessa could've gotten kidnapped or worst ; have you seen her face?", Devin said angrily before reaching over and removing the hair from my face.

"You see that? It was all your fault because you were too selfish to give her a ride home. And now you show up here pretending to care as to why she wasn't at work. Am sorry but if you have no business here I suggest you leave. And she won't be at work for a few days".

Devin finished and then crossed his arms. Mordechai seemed like he has met his match because he didn't say anything. His eyes went to my cheek and they stayed there for a few seconds.

"I didn't know that something like that happened to her. And besides you don't give me orders and you're not her boss. She can take tomorrow off then I want her back at work. Also I'm giving her an extra week to finish the files. Don't make the mistake again by giving me orders Devin, it's for your own good".

And with that Mordechai left the kitchen. I then hear the front door closing and then the sound a car starting. I sighed before looking at Devin who seemed pissed beyond words.

"I need to cool off, I'll talk to you later".

He walked out as I recapped all the events that took place today. Franco was clear on what he wanted from me and then his body came in contact with mine and I couldn't believe it gave me shivers. Then I noticed the way him and Mordechai looked at each other ; as if they wanted to say something unpleasant to one another. Then Mordechai unexpectedly grabbed my wrists and stood me up against the fridge. That completely caught me off guard. Then him and Devin got into something heated but there was something weird about it and it was not how Mordechai dominated the situation somehow. No, it was more.

But I was too tired to think about it. I left the kitchen rubbing my wrists as I went to my room.


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