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Planet khorvaire

It was just another day, another day in this great war, the year is 18xx the two major groups had declare war on each other, that being the republic of satellite and the mason order. The two groups had dislike each other for a long time, peace was never an option and so a great war started, a war that would last for many years to come.

POV change 

Sergeant: where are our reinforcements!!! 

A big battle was happening, satellite forces were being pin down by mason forces in the forest and the satellite were taking mass losses.

Ranger: sergeant our reinforcements can't get here because they keep getting ambush they are not gonna here in time!!! 

(From the distance) enemy assault: bring down the satellite!!!

A massive wave of mason soldiers were charging against the satellite line of defense. And the worst kind of charge, a human wave change.

Sergeant: holy shit were not gonna survive this!, that is it I am calling an air bombing!!!

The sergeant goes to a radio station.

Sergeant: emergency! emergency! Unit17 I need a close air bombing on our location were about to be overrun!!!

Unit17: this is unit17 we hear you and see you, moveing in for air bombing be prepared.

Moments later explosions were heard across the field. The majority of the mason force was neutralize but it would take about an hour or so for the battle to truly be over resulting in a win for the satellite.

But this was just one of many battles that this war has to offer. It would take a strong leader to lead one of the two armies to victory and end this war once and for all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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