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Hello guys ! It's been really long since the last time I updated hasn't it? Well here are the good news. I've finally found some free time to continue the writing of this fan fiction I've started. But first of, I just want to let you guys know that before I continue the writing of it, I will re write every chapter and correct all the mispellings I'd made back then. For example, I will be re writing the prologue and correcting all its mistakes and all and then post a new version of it, a better one. When that will be made, I will delete the first one. So basically I'll re write the whole fan fiction all over again, with the same ideas, just a better version of it with less mistakes because I can't really say there wouldn't be any mistakes since English isn't my mother langage. I will do this with all thirteen chapters and when that will be done, I will continue the writing of this fan fiction. You do not need to read the new version of the chapters since the story will still stay the same and the ideas will also be the same, thought, I suggest you do. Because I will probably bring some changes to this story and make it a better version so you might enjoy the new version better than the old one. I just wanted to let you guys know so you are not confused or anything. I will be starting this from tonight on. Hopefully you guys will like the new ideas I will bring to this and also the changes I make. Alright, that's all for now. I will be updating the new version of the prologue either tonight or throughout the day tomorrow. Love you all. x

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