Video call

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"Ohmydeath" Soul blurted, "it's you! As!"
Well, so far this video call was terrifying to both shocked parties. Maka scratched the back of her neck, laughing uneasily.
I can hope he didn't make the class connection Maka thought.
I can hope she didn't make the crush connection Soul thought. But, as we know, very rarely do things happen in their fortune.
"You ranted to me about me." Soul muttered, feeling hear creep to his cheeks.
"You lusted over me to me." Maka pointed out, her face just as red.
A silence followed. Maka bit the inside of her lip, her eyes averting from the screen.
"This is so not cool." Soul muttered to himself, gaining Maka's attention again.
"Look, I'll just turn off the video and we can pretend none of this happened" she said softly, already reaching for the screen when Soul cut her off.
"No! I mean, uh, look, we live in the same apartment building, right? You can just come to my room to talk." Each word was forced out like he was worried he'd run out of time. Unease flashed through her eyes but she nodded.
"What room?" She asked.
"You won't believe me."
"Just tell me."
"Room 162."

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