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"Maa... Appa...... "

I wasn't capable of believing what my eyes were just showing me... My Parents.. My Maa, my Appa... Those two persons for whom I forever begged, pleaded,cried to my fate just got a simple glance of them ,to meet them, to touch them even if it meant, just for once. .

Just for once to knew how the feeling of having your parents beside you felt like... How it felt when they take your name, how it felt when their arms wrapped around you , how it felt to tell them about your fears, pain, hurt, happiness... How it felt when the whole world stood against you, hated you but you knew that those people would never hate you.. Who made you, who gave life to you..

Even if you got neglected from every place in this world, there was a place which would always welcome you with opened arms.. Your parent's arms which could take away each and every pain and fear of your away from you at every cost..

In those arms, where you knew that you could fall your tears for how longer you felt like and they would never got tired of it because you knew it, every tear you were going to shed, their hands were going to wipe it without getting fed up ...

I forever longed to feel all those feelings, I painfully longed for them, for my Parents, those two people who were standing in front of my eyes...

I never blinked my eyes even for once with the fear that if I blinked then they would get disappear again which I never wanted never and I never noticed how painfully my eyes were burning with tears just by looking at them..

My body stood freeze at its place because I was terrified if I took a simple step closer to them, they would leave me alone again because of the things I have done in my life, the amount of people I have hurted, killed brutally ..

And I never felt this much vulnerable and regretful about my own doings in my whole life that how much of a cruel monster I was, my own parents would have been ashamed of me, they would never want to have me closer to them, never to hug me, never to take even my name that how much of a disgusted and hideous person I was that I didn't even deserve to got closer to my parents even if it meant just for once..

My legs completely gave up to me as I wasn't capable of moving any part of my body and my tears never stopped just by staring at them who were standing at a far distance from me gazing at me ....I thought they would never want a person like me to be their child until I saw my Maa to extended her arms and opened them towards me slowly..

I looked at her startled, wasn't capable of processing anything but then I saw a lone tear to rolled down from my Maa's eyes which shattered the soul inside me when I got that she didn't hate me.. She wanted me to be in her arms  .

REDEEMING VENGEANCE (Kth🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now