02. Tragic Mornings.

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CURSE BREAKER chapter ii

CURSE BREAKER chapter ii

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               "FOR FUCK SAKE, CROOKSHANKS!"

               The hour was reaching noon and Alexandra is waiting eagerly for her lunch break as it stood nearer. The brunette arrives at the Magical Menagerie for her summer job, in a horrible mood. She had overslept, missing her alarm by forty-five minutes. Leaving the young Blanchard fifteen minutes to get ready and out the door.

               Having not enough time to have breakfast that morning, Alexandra spent the last few hours cradling her lower abdomen, in hopes for the pain to subside. It didn't.

               Her dear friend, Aspen, had gone to visit Alexandra at the Menagerie while in Diagon Alley for her school things. She sat behind the counter, chewing on a raspberry scone — she initially brought for the Blanchard at her side — in a circular shaped Tupperware.

              "I don't even know why you bother with that thing." Roseweather retorted, taking another bite from her scone. "He's a piece of shit, no wonder no one had bought him."

               "I can't just throw him in the garbage disposal, Azzie." She said, attempting to force the ginger feline back onto his cage "Besides, he's not so bad." 

               Aspen scoffed, at her friend's words — watching as Alexandra went to advise a wizard on the care of double-ended newts — because Crookshanks is no different from a two-year-old leaving a candy store empty-handed. Grumpy and difficult.

               "— You're welcome, have a good day, sir."

               As the older wizard went to leave, they direct their attention to the menagerie entrance where Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley stood — examining the cages curiously.

               "Aly! I didn't know you work here." Hermione exclaimed excitedly when she spotted the older witch smiling down at her from behind the counter. Alexandra and Hermione have been good friends since Blanchard came for Hermione's aid with directions to the Potions classroom, back in the younger witch's first year.

              "Yeah, spend most of my summers here for some extra coins." The brunette smiled softly, directing her gaze to Ron and Harry — who was watching the exchange sheepishly as if they were intruding. "How can I help you three, with?"

               Ron's eyes widened — seemingly startled by the approach — and he slowly walked forward "It's my rat," he told his fellow Gryffindor "He's been a bit off-colour ever since I brought him back from Egypt."

               "Place him on the counter, Ron." Ron did as instructed, pulling Scabbers from his pocket and landing it on the counter, for Aly to take a look at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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