Captain Greg

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"What can Hammond robotics do for you? We can set you free, we can make you the ultimate fighter and strategist"

- Before the Titan wars. A 2094 recruitment Leaflet sent to each fighting aged man & woman worldwide.

"Earth has seen many wars over the years, and it still hold its scars to this day. Now imagine taking these wars to other planets, and fighting over minerals? Why do we have to act like animals? Why should other colonies suffer the fate Earth did?" Asked an old man onboard MFC RedTail, the biggest fighting warship in the First Militia fleet. Onboard the ship was someone who had fought for the IMC and now fights for the Spec Ops brigade of the Militia, he was nicknamed "Sandman" by many, but only those who knew him properly called him "Greg". He was named a hero amongst the IMC ranks, and what did the Militia call him? Sandtrap, as his nickname would reveal, Greg was a specialist in desert warfare as many fights happening on land that had not been constructed..

Greg listened to the old man, who was talking to a young girl probably aged 13. She wasn't born on Earth, she had never seen Earth. Earth was only for those who had money at their disposal. Greg was born on Earth, he was born in what was called back then The United Kingdom, it had 4 nations, England Scotland Wales & Northern Ireland. Greg was born in northern England. His mother was Northern Irish and his Dad was English. They died trying to flee the war they called back then "Russio War" where Nuke warfare finally happened. Greg was about 20, he was doing an apprenticeship course with the IMC on Demeter, the biggest refuelling station in the IMC colonies. When he was told about the war and the death of his parents he never really recovered from that.

Greg walked up to the little girl, he held out his hand and asked the little what her name was "My name is Britta Ghopan, Sir. And who are you? My parents tell me you are the sandman?" Greg felt uneasy, he couldn't tell this little girl what he'd done....he simply thought about Earth and he wanted to fuel her curiosity "Britta, Call me Greg! Hey you was asking this nice gentlemen about Earth? I was born on Earth, it was a beautiful place where I was born, I remember each day." He said. The little girls face gleamed with happiness "Was it green!?" She asked, Ryio smiled and nodded. She ran away laughing to her self. The old man finally looked up "Son, whatever demons you have to face them"

Greg was now 38 years old, he hadn't seen Earth in 21 years, he felt guilty as he was a freeman and didn't owe anything to either the IMC or Militia. He knew that the IMC had giant exoskeletons called Titans that would be ran by Pilots who would get minerals from every reach of the Colonies. Some was saying they was being armoured for war. A Rebellion was rising, the Militia had already started its attacks on certain moons and planets.

"Captain Greg McWhite, You are needed on the bridge, Sir." Said the young solider as Greg nodded at the oldman, he followed the young lad towards the bridge where all the top brass of Militia leaders was. The young solider stopped enter the code on the door "In you go, Sir" and Greg entered the room.

"Captain McWhite! Please take a seat! Would you like a drink?" Asked the Leader of the Militia first fleet, Admiral Clarke. Greg shook his head and smiled. The room was full of maps and high tech tracking gear noting every IMC battle garrisons.

"Now,'ve been aboard this ship for 4 days now. Can I ask why you have joined our cause?" Asked the Admiral

"Sir, as you know the IMC have been killing innocent men, women & children if anything opposed them. I've seen this, I was in their special Orbital Spec Ops. I never committed the war crimes myself. But i terminated my contract with immediate effect. Also, they built the nuclear weapons that destroy my country on Earth and many more....." The room fell silent, the admiral had a look of sympathy. A ranked officer looked at Ryio, almost with disgust like he couldn't even meet his eyes. " that's why I joined the Militia, War is coming gentlemen they are building Titans to pretty much crush any resistance.....and don't say you haven't got them I know you have. I saw everything on the files being a spec ops operator." Greg continued, the Admiral flicked his hand towards the ranked officer, he was a colour sergeant. "Daniel Amyons, he will be apart of your are now the leader of the Militia Spec Ops. Recruit whoever you see fit, Captain."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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