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•next morning•

JK's pov-
I was still kinda worried about the issue but I let it off for now. Since yuri is staring at me.

After a while I was just moving around in house, when I got a call from the organizer of mace party.
(Mace is short form for mafia celebs)

'oh holy man shit do they have to be now'?! I can't bring yuri there. But it's compulsory to bring your partner there. Guess I have to and these parties are at the same day the invitation is given.
So now I have to go for shopping and then rush to the party with this girl.

I went to yuri to ask her. She was sitting on a bean bag in living room.

"Hey Yuri we need to go shopping now".
"Why, we just went a few days ago" she said. "Do you have a beautiful dress?" I asked. "No but why do we need that?" She replied.
"There's a party tonight and you are coming with me. So you need a dress for tonight's party" I said bit coldly in ordering tone so she won't ask any more questions. "Ok..." She spoke.

At shopping mall
Your pov-
We were going from stores to store. Jungkook has already bought his suit, but he's not liking any of which I tried. This was getting boring. I tried on the last dress and went out.
"How's this?" I asked. "Nooo why don't you try something fancy, like......this"
He handed me a dress and asked me to try it on. It was blue since he bought a suit in shade of blue.

 It was blue since he bought a suit in shade of blue

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It was cute yet sexy.

After having some snacks at the mall we finally went home.

After we reached home I went straight to our bedroom and threw myself on the bed, as I was tired. But to my surprise Jungkook came rushing in and said "what are you doing!? Get ready........we have to go the party". Oh please let me rest and have some peace. Not rest in peace.
I asked him what are the timings for party. He said "it's 7:30 pm". "Duh it's 5:03pm right now, chill". I said
He than shot a burning glare at me which gave me chills.
I got up and started getting ready.

JK's pov-
After half an hour or more I was fully ready. But yuri was not, I told her but she didn't listened to me. I knew she's gonna take more time.

After waiting for a while she came out looking extremely stunning. It was worth it. She had makeup on and a beautiful bun, with a delicate necklace as an accessory. She was looking cute but sexy because of her collar bone.
"Beautiful" "what?" She asked and started blushing. That's when I realised I said it out loudly. "Thank you" she said. I just hid my face of embarrassment and went out to the car.

We reached at the party and went in.
I can't believe my eyes what was I seeing this isn't a normal party.....

Hi... I know I am updating soooo late but my exams were there So I stopped but I will continue to post for one month. After a month I have another exam.
Don't worry chapter will get better again.
Sorry this is so short.

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