The lonely revenge

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    Aizawa had awoken from his deep slumber. He was disappointed that he had even woken up in the first place. 

“How annoying. I need something stronger next time.”

He gets up from his bed and walks over to his bathroom. He looks into the mirror and sighs. He turns on the shower and gets in without checking for the warmth of the shower. He closes his eyes and looks up at the ceiling, the same memory of that day replaying in his head over and over again. Sadness shoots through his eyes and quickly fades away as he hears someone open his front door.

“I didn't expect any visitors. Who the hell is here”

He gets out of the shower and wraps his waist with a towel. As he walks out of the bathroom and looks down from upstairs he sees you petting one of his cats. You and him have been friends since highschool. You were a detective for the police. One of the cases you were working on was a dangerous group of villains. They had done more destruction than the league of villains. That was the day you had thought you lost Aizawa and Aizawa had lost everything. 

“What are you doing here y/n? Isn't it a bit early for you to be here?”

You look up at your blush for a second and then shake your head.

'I'm here for you! It's been awhile hasn't it!'

He sighs and shakes his head. He walks down the stairs and towards you.

“No it hasn't been long enough. Now please get out of my house.”

You huff and shake your head. Aizawa used to be more open with you before the incident happened. You wished he had gone back to being the way he used to be.

'C’mon Aizawa! Let's go out for once! You never go out with anyone anymore.'

Aizawa glared down at you but never refused, he went up stairs and grabbed a change of clothes. It was a black button up tucked into black dress pants. As you look at him come back down you smile brightly. But before you could say anything he was already walking past you and getting into his car. You hurriedly jumped into the car before he could leave without you.

“Where are we going?”

He had somewhat of a annoyed look on his face as he asked.

'I don't know honestly….where do you want to go?'

Aizawa sighs and starts to drive. He drived as if he had no ounce to live anymore. He passed red lights and went way over the speed limit.

'Slow down would you!?'

You gripped on your seat belt as he ignored your request. What would've been a 20 minute drive turned into a 9 minute drive. He parks the car in front of a cafe and walks in to find a seat. He sits down and you sit down across from him. He sighs and look into your eyes.

"Listen. Just tell me what you want. I know you want something, there is always a catch to everything you offer." 

You felt a bit hurt by those words. But they weren't wrong. You did have something to ask for him.

'Well...I want you to help me on this case! C'mon Aizawa! They are a group of Assassins! You should already know the jist of everything. So won't you help me!?'

*Aizawa shakes his head and sighs* 

"Not a chance." 

Aizawa gets up from the table as he gets a text from someone. Little did you know that he was already involved in the case. But not in the way you would want him to be. You try to stop him from leaving but gives up and let's out a heavy sigh. 

Aizawa got into his car and grabs a knife from the back. He puts it in his holster as he drives to the scene quickly. 

"Just get revenge and then I'll clean the blood off of my hands." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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