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Another new story between me and my waifu littleprincess0310 She showed me this cute show where youtuber couples do little games to see which knows the other better or who has the strongest love and it screamed the vibes of a au ww

Waifu an: Look forward to more teetee moment.

Word Count - 1,248 words 


[Today! A new slot and programs will be added in Utaite's channel~ The slot is~~!?

Youtuber couple, Love Dream project!! This project will bring you three famous youtuber couples and have them solve all kinds of quizzes, playing games, do missions and other exciting things just to prove between them, who has the strongest LOVE!

Without further ado, let's meet with the participant in today's project!!

They run a youtube channel under the name After The Rain and have been the talk among the viewers.]

Even though one of the two didn't want to be here as much as was dragged by his boyfriend, Soraru sighs deeply and waves at the camera. "I'm Soraru...this is Mafumafu and we've been dating for..." Trying to count the years on his hand, Soraru loses track and turns to the taller male. "How long...?"

"Soraru-san! Hello everyone! I'm Mafumafu! We from After The Rain channel~ We have been dating for 15 years already~" Waving happily to the camera, Mafumafu pulled Soraru closer to him.

"15 years...and he still hasn't proposed." Though he leaned into the hug, Soraru paid no attention to the camera and only watched his boyfriend.

Maybe this show would be what was needed for the couple to go further?

Smiling with wide eyes, Mafumafu laughed dryly before he cleared his throat. "PD-san! Y-You can continue to other couple~"

[As expected of a 15 years long couple~ They sure have many mysteries around them www. Now! The next couple is called an "old married couple" by their fans. You must know right? Yes! They come from a youtube channel named "UraSaka Biyori"!!]

"Hello everyone!" Sakata beams while resting his head on top of Urata's, snugly hugging him from behind. "I'm Sakata! And this is Ura-san! one else can call him that!" Pouting even though he was the one who announced the nickname, Sakata held Urata tighter and nervously.

Sighing at the childish behaviour of his boyfriend, Urata smiles toward the camera. "Hello. I'm Urata."

"We're UraSaka Biyori! And we've been together for...I think 6 years now?" Or was Sakata forgetting their was just a few months ago..."Yea, 6 years!"

"For a moment, I was about to dump you if you forget our years like a certain someone." Urata said with a smile.

"Oi! Say that again, chibi!" Soraru's upset voice could be heard off the camera.

"I would never forget! Please don't leave me!" Producing a few tears, Sakata rubs his cheek against the older's cheek.

"Shut up, you bad personality guy." Urata retorted back.

"Ura-san...ignore him and pay attention to me!" Right on camera, Sakata cups one of Urata's cheeks, giving him a kiss to distract him.

Laughing, Mafumafu once again turned toward the producer. "Sorry Pd-san! You can continue!!"

[Hmm It seems the rumours are true that the UraSaka couple is really lovey dovey~ We shall look forward to what kind of flirting we can get to see in this show!

But before that let's introduce the next and last couple for this project. They are well known as a prince and his princess kind of vibe. Running a channel under the name SmSn, they are here to show off their love to the audience!!]

As soon as the producer announced, Shima and Senra walked slowly into the set with their hands intertwined. Bowing together, Senra's face shows a really shy smile at being in front of the camera.

Squeezing Senra's hand, Shima clears his throat before staring towards the audience. "Hello. I'm Shima...and this is Senra. We're part of the channel called ShimaSen or SmSn for short. And we've been dating...for less time than those rowdy couples. But that doesn't mean our love is weaker!"

Laughing at the awkward introduction, Senra waved his hand meekly toward the camera. "In fact we only dated for 3 years only."

"But the 3 years feel like 30." Humming softly, Shima kisses Senra's cheek right in front of the camera, 0 shame.

Nudging the purplenette to behave, Senra smiles with a really red face. "R-Really?"

"Really~ And I love each moment I spent with Senra-kun~" Shamelessly, Shima continued to flirt as if the camera didn't exist and it was just the two of them.

"Uwaa disgusting pda." Urata voiced his opinion teasingly.

"As if you don't do PDA yourself." Shima rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Pfft." Mafumafu laughed while covering his mouth with his hand.

"All of you are doing PDA and it's gross." Soraru rolls his eyes with a sigh.

Senra smiles sweetly toward the bluenette. "Soraru-san, are you sure you wanna say that?"

"I'm not doing any PDA so it's fine." So the man says, but he was leaning into his boyfriend's chest, Mafumafu's arms wrapped around him.

"The leaning and wrapping arm didn't convince me much." Supporting his best friend, Urata points out the 'PDA'.

"It is not PDA! At least we're not kissing like you...right in front of a camera..." Though he complained, a part of Soraru wished for Mafumafu to do that to him too...

No! This was supposed to be an introduction to them, not who could flirt more dammit!

Innocently, Mafumafu looked below him. "Eh? I don't mind. I can kiss Soraru-san right here and now." As soon as he finished that, the albino swooped down Soraru's mouth in his and locked it in a really sweet kiss.

Eyes widening, Soraru debates fighting the kiss though he easily melts, his face flushing red as he hugged Mafumafu's arms tighter.

"That's the love of the old couple~" Sakata giggles at the sight, hugging Urata tighter.

"Aww so cute." Senra gushing out. His cheeks red when he watched how deep the kiss Mafumafu gave to the bluenette before looking away from the sight in embarrassment.

"Do you want a kiss like that too, Senra-kun? I'll make it even better too~" Turning this into a contest, Shima cups Senra's cheeks before kissing him deeply, even deeper than Mafumafu had with Soraru.

"W-wai-mph!" All of sudden, Senra yelped a little. Frowning, the blonde hit Shima's chest with his fist but the purplenette was too strong and the kiss slowly made his strength weaker.

Pulling away after a moment, Shima grins wide, licking his lips. "Now that, is a deep kiss~"

"Show off." Soraru rolls his eyes, huffing slightly. The show hadn't even really started the games yet, why were they fighting over this now?

"I want Ura-san to kiss me like that..." Sakata pouts, still clinging to Urata almost like a koala.

Face getting redder by second, Senra hides his face on Shima's shoulder while his hand is still hitting the purplenette's chest. "Stupid mole..."

"Eh? Was it not enough Soraru-san?" Mafumafu whined and leaned down again.

"Huh? Like in hell I will do something gross like them." The brunet said, rolling his eyes.

"But you enjoyed it~ Everyone saw your cute melting face~" Shima chuckles happily. Only he could make Senra be like that!

"O-Oi! It was fine, don't kiss me again're still on camera!" Soraru places his hands on Mafumafu's lips, refusing to let him kiss again.

"But..." Sadly, Sakata whines like a hurt puppy, nodding his head sadly. If Urata didn't want it, he wouldn't push it!

Mafumafu pouted but he immediately smiled toward the camera. "Ah! We are sorry PD-san."

[www You guys are really energetic, we look forward to what kind of flirting you will share with the audience~!]

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