Getting Ready

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It was toward the end of the day and I was getting tired. When I looked over my shoulder, I see Shirabu letting out a yawn. Turning my head back to the front, the contagiousness of his yawn hits me.

History wasn't as fun as I thought. Not saying I thought it was fun, but it's just a little worse than I thought. Right now, the teacher is speaking about some project the class will start next week.

I look tiredly at the clock, seeing roughly 27 minutes left of class. I sigh a little too loudly than expected.

The teacher looks at me, "Am I boring you?" She asks. She had a bit of a cross eye, so at first I didn't know she was talking to me. I just look out the window.

Some moments pass by, "Ma'am, I will not ask you again." She says firmly. I look over to Shirabu giving you a wide eye notion as 'she's talking to you.'

I quickly look at her, a bit embarrassed. I shake my head firmly. She side-eyes me, continuing her speech.

I notice just then that mostly everyone that was looking at me had turned back around.

I put my forehead in the web of my thumb and pointer finger in an embarrassed way.

Shirabu giggles a bit, making me shoot my head at him with a hard stare. He stops, but he still has a small smile on his face, seeming like he wants to continue laughing.


At last, class was over.

The bell rings, everyone rushes out. As I get up, I swing my backpack on my shoulder.

"(L/n), stay here." Chitose Sensei says sternly. I stop, then turn around to her. Shirabu, though, left.

She then says, "Listen (l/n), when I say your name, I expect a response back. Do I make myself clear?" I take my phone out of my pocket, about to mention that I don't talk.

Chitose Sensei scoffs, "Are you seriously ignoring me?!" She then snatches my phone out of my hand. I stood there with my hands gripping an air phone. I stared at her with my mouth partially opened.

I turn around to head out angrily, but Shirabu was already at the door.

"No disrespect Sensei, but what you just did was rude, disrespectful, and unreasonable," he began to say. He looks at me then looks at Chitose Sensei with an anger in his expression.

"I know you probably don't know, but she doesn't speak," he doesn't break eye contact with her, "but that doesn't give you the right to judge her without context of her story."

Chitose Sensei just looked at Shirabu with disbelief that he was back talking her.

"Well," she started, "I guess you're right," I swiveled my head away from Shirabu back to Sensei.

'She's.. apologizing..? That's a surprise. Uhm wait...what?'

She bows and hands me back my phone. "It was wrong of me to assume like that, please go on with your day."

I take back my phone in bewilderment. Chitose Sensei then goes back to her desk and I went out of the classroom.

Shirabu looks at me and I give a clear confused expression and Shirabu just wore an innocent smile.

"My mom and her are friends, so my mom, the nice and caring person she is, donates to Chitose Sensei," he explains, "so giving that, she listens to what I say in order to stay in good terms with my mom."

I nod with understanding.

I take out my phone, 'thank you Shibbi, I appreciate it. Are we going to your practice now or is it later?'

He looks at me and smile at the nickname with a nod. "Practice is in about an hour and a half from now, but our fans usually arrive about half an hour early." He says.

There's fans? Well, I guess it makes sense, this school is big and popular.

"Anyways, you can show up with the fans or one of us can walk you there, it doesn't really matter," he suggests.

Me and Shirabu continue to walk to the dorms together until we have to split. Waving goodbye to each other, I head to my room.

I look at my number and open the door, taking my shoes off. Looking at the time, I decided I was going to leave in an hour along with the fans.

Taking a post-it note, I read over the homework I had put down that I had to do. I only had two assignments, so it wasn't all to bad.

One assignment was just a single side of trigonometric problems, and the other side was some word problems.

The other piece of homework was a 10 slide document of the history of Japan and the events that led up to today. Good news though, it was due next Friday. I decided to just start on one slide and do the rest throughout the week.


Finishing up the last of my homework, I close my laptop with a relieved sigh. It was pretty hard considering I had to write the whole slide in Japanese.

I get up and walk out of my room into the small kitchen. Grabbing some different flavored macaroons that Shirabu gave me to try, I walk back to a comfortable cushioned chair.

I get comfy and play on my phone while I snack on the macaroons. When I finished, I put my phone away and went to find something to wear at the gym.

Since it was somewhat warm, I decided to wear black flare leggings, a tight white long-sleeve shirt, and a pastel graphic short-sleeve shirt over it. I decided to wear my brown slippers with the outfit, mainly because they just slipped right on and were comfortable. I then braided my hair since I had some time left.

I grab my room keys and phone and do a double check in the mirror. I leave and walk out with a pair of sunglasses on my head.

I really missed the excitement and thrill of volleyball, so I was really happy that Tendou asked me to watch them. I hope that this practice will be worth watching.

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