𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑑𝑑𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑟

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Your POV:
"Y/n can I pleaseeee have my hoodie back! It's been weeks.." Wakko whined, clasping his hands together. I shook my head.

"You have plenty more! Stop complaining.."

"Yeah but that one is my favorite.."

"Exactly, that's why I'm wearing it. It makes me feel special hehe." I hugged Wakko's hoodie tightly, taking in his scent.

Wakko only sighed in defeat, "Fine.. you win." He mumbled. I smiled, "I always win darling." I grabbed his chin slightly, kissing his cheek.

I pulled away with a smirk, his face was pink as a kitten's nose. "You look so adorable when you blush." I booped his nose with a giggle.

He suddenly made a cute little sneeze when I did that, I squealed.


"AwwAw- Y/n- sstopp.."

"Never!" I squished his cheeks together talking to him a baby voice. He only blushed in embarrassment.

After some time I finally stopped, giggling at him. He rubbed his cheeks with a slight groan "Oww my face.." he pouted.

"Sorry dear, you're just so cute." I smiled. Wakko grabbed his ears, covering up his face.

"You're to m-much.." he whispered. I patted his head "But you are.. my little teddy bear~" I purred, uncovering his face.

His face was bright red, I decided to make it redder.. if possible.

I leaned in towards his face going in to give him my sweet sugar kisses.

"Hey can you two go make out somewhere else.. tryin sleep here.."


Me and Wakko jumped back when we heard Yakko suddenly speak. We turned to see him tucked in on the couch, looking rather annoyed.

Our faces went red.

"Y-Yakko..? What are you doing here on the c-couch..?" Wakko clung onto me, wrapping his hands around my waist. Suddenly my stomach bounced around with butterflies, I blushed.

"Sleeping. What does it look like?" Yakko spoke, grumpy.

"Now let me get my beauty rest.."

"A-Alright..-" soon Yakko laid back down putting a sleeping mask with long eyelashes on. He was then soon fast asleep.

Wakko sighed in relief, letting me go.

I frowned but dealt with it. "We should go.." Wakko whispered, taking my hand.

I nodded my head.

. . .

"So am I getting my hoodie any time soon..?" Wakko asked, nervously. I chuckled "Yes." I shook my head as I repiled.

Wakko whined "I tired.." he sighed.

I patted his head with a smile "You did, but yeah this hoodie is mine. Along with the other 10 hoodies you gave me!"


'S m o o c h'


"Just come here and snuggle with me dork." I laughed. Wakko nodded quickly, obeying my order. Soon enough I was big spooning him while he small spooned me.

I messed with the fur on his head, humming softly.


"Yes teddy?" I responded.

"I love you princess."

My eyes widen, cheeks also reddening due to the random nickname he gave me. I paused for a moment gathering myself.

"Princess? You okay?" Wakko questioned, worryingly. I shushed him softly

"I-I'm fine.. y-yes! love you too puppy."

Wakko hugged me tightly nudging his face into my neck, soon he settled with a smile.

I smiled as well, still running my fingers through his fur on the back of his head.
AA Sorry for the late updates things have been weird and just complicated for me these past days.

But I rather not get into my personal life rn so again srry 🙂✋🏾

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