Part 5 - Not Deku?

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- Bakugou's POV -

Shitty hair and Raccoon eyes were both already there

Shitty hair:Hey bakubr-

Katsuki:Shitty hair where the fuck are the others!?

Raccoon eyes:Well,Denki and Jirou had something important to do~

Don't tell me there going on another Fucking date.

Sero then came running to us

Soy sauce:Hey!

Katsuki:Come on,No time to explain

Soy sauce:Wow....Is it just me or is he calm or something?


Soy sauce:Nevermind

I turned on the flashlight on my phone and started walking into the forest.They did the same and followed closely behind me,probably wondering what is happening

Shitty hair:So uhm,bakubro,What are we trying to find exactly?

Katsuki:Some kind of abandoned building or something

I mumbled as I slowly move my phone from left to right,searching for the building.We searched all together for maybe about half an hour

Soy sauce:Hey what's that?

Soy sauce then pointed his phone towards his right.There was then some kind of building not so far from us.We all started walking towards it

Raccoon eyes:This is kinda giving me bad vibes to be honest..Why would you even want to go here bakubabe?

Katsuki:Trying to find someone.

Shitty hair:Okay but

Katsuki:Stop Fucking asking so much questions you extras..

We then arrived at the front entrance of the building after about 5 minutes of walking.It looked like some kind of abandoned mall

Why the fuck would a mall be abandoned in the middle of the forest? Shit doesn't makes sense just like this shitty fanfiction the little stalkers are probably reading...

I thought to myself as my brain finally found it self back to the land of my living.I then walked up to the door but was stopped by Raccoon eyes grabbing me by my arm

Raccoon eyes:W-Wait! Are you sure this is the one?

I quickly snatched my arm back and replied

Katsuki:Yes now stop with the Fucking questions.It's Fucking annoying

I then turned my head back towards the door and attempted to open the door but realised it was locked.I stepped back and looked around for any other entrance

Shitty hair:Maybe there's another entry from like,the back or something? We should maybe check you know?

Shitty hair suggested.I nodded my head before we all started walking to the side of the building but stopped when we saw a door that was slightly opened

Soy sauce:Are you really sure abou-


Soy sauce puts his hands up and finally zipped his mouth.I then went back to heading to the door before stopping right in front of it

Don't worry Deku...I'm coming to save you...

I then took a deep breathe and pushed the door a bit,it opened slowly and made a creaking noise while doing so.I then walked in first,Shitty hair followed behind closely while Raccoon eyes grips onto his arm trying to hide behind shitty hair while Soy sauce was at the very last

''I'm right here kacchan!'' (Ghost Deku/Dead Deku/Mysterious AU) [DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now