Sector SanJuGo: Destruction vs Abyss

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Meliodas' magic is Destruction magic, or in other words, he has an ultimate skill. Pretty sure it's part of the sin series, and it's Satanic Wrath.

I know this because Vivumo has already done an analysis on the guy, and now I know his skills. Hah! However, it's not going to help me much, since his manaki pool is already nearing 15 million. What's mine at? Around more than half of that.

If he wasn't an Outerworlder, I would've been nowhere near this mess. However, I somehow felt obliged to protect all Outerworlders, which means I have to be stronger than them first.

From his Haki, I could tell that his form resides in a more holy one than an evil one. And since Abyss Magic is good against Holy Magic, I decided to try something out.

Raising Crevasse Chasm I, I slashed down at Meliodas, who made no effort to dodge as the arc of black light swished towards him. Gotcha.

As predicted, his arrogance on his power made him think that my Crevasse Chasm I couldn't do anything to him, but it did. Half of his body went clean off, and he fell to the ground, hollering in pain as I advanced on him.

"Just kidding." He said as he regenerated his lost body side, and faced me as he took out Lostvayne, now a longsword, and dashed towards me at incredible speed before striking down at me with his sword.

Predicting his movement with ease, I dodged and swung my two blades at him, and clashed with the elongated Lostvayne. Electric sparks flew as the shadows from Umbra-Electra swallowed the holy energy emitted by Lostvayne, filling me with a decent amount of manaki while still holding off Meliodas.

With Umbra-Electra still holding Lostvayne, I took Crevasse Chasm I back, before jumping back and cross-slashing the air as a black X formed midair to impale itself on Meliodas. With the Absolute Severance ability of Abyss Magic, Meliodas was cut, but regenerated himself immediately.

That ability is annoying. How do I stop it...

Then, I remembered what I did with Hosplaka, but decided not to do that to Meliodas, since my Ultimate Melt did no damage to him, either. Then, the best way is...

"Barrier Manipulation." I muttered, and spikes formed over the ground as they formed balls and other weapons, and began countering Meliodas in the sky.

"Master Roy, the preparations of your Ultimate Skill 《Great Building Summoning》will be ready in a matter of 2 minutes. I suggest holding him off with your skills first before completely crushing him with your Ultimate Skill."

"Well, thanks for the advice, Vivumo!" I said to my aracamanas partner before dashing towards Meliodas and blasted the skills 《Black Lightning》, 《Flame Cannon》, and the unique sub-skill《Barral Needle》at him. With the barrier mimics keeping him busy, he took direct hits from the skills and fell to the ground before trying to get up.

And... the two minutes of stalling was up. I checked my stats as I saw my manaki level at 11 million, but with only 7 million remaining. Summoning a Great Building should take about 5 million, so I should still be fine after summoning it.

I took a deep breath as I went over the incantations, and muttered them under my breath. Meliodas was still occupied with the Barrier Mimics, so he did not notice my move, luckily.

"Great Building Summoning- Statue of Zeus."

Thunder rumbled as the clouds parted, and a hole ripped itself clean in the nimbuses, parting way for my building to come down from the heavens. A giant lightning strike symbolized its arrival, and it struck the ground with a loud THUD, covering Meliodas' hole completely. Needless to say, Meliodas was pinned and I achieved my purpose.

Suddenly, a giant strike of pain engulfed my body as I quickly checked my manaki level. It's at 500 thousand? How? It took a million and half more than the Tower of Babel to summon. Hmm...

Meliodas suddenly slithered out from under the statue after being crushed, but his Demon King protection was gone now. I think I can still deal with his Assault Mode, since he already activated it.

However, before both of us could act, a bolt of lightning struck Meliodas, and his Assault Mode swished away as he fainted before falling to the ground, unconscious due to the intense voltage and current.

I turned my eyes towards the staff of the Statue of Zeus, which was emitting a dim light after its outburst. It one-shotted the Assault Mode... impressive. Perhaps the extra 1.5 million manaki was worth it.

Welp... I'm tired, so it's time to rest.


Azura slashed down with her blade, taking out yet another one of the beasts that got in their way. For a flat plain like the Central Region, they sure do have a lot of pests that need to be taken care of.

She looked down at her blade again, not surprised to see that it hadn't cracked. Her blade, Kladonna, is a special dagger made of a strong, clear gem that was quite rare called clarandatite. It's durability was around the level of those made of diamonds, so it was a strong weapon in every sense.

Her partners, the other assassins of the group Shattered Glass, have just finished taking down another hybrid monster that spawned in their way to take out their target: The newbie champion of the Numero Region, Roy Excindo.

"That's the last of them!" Monlet, a comrade of hers shouted to her, and she nodded in response. They eventually found a place to rest for the night, and they moved on the next day.

They were supposed to intercept Roy Excindo when he came out of the Felric Mountain Range, but apparently he had been moving much faster than they expected. As a result, they are now struggling to keep up with him.

It was when they thought all hope was lost when one of Azura's comrades, Tibeto, exclaimed as he pointed at a giant structure in the distance, which towered over many of the structures present in the Central Region.

"The manaki fluctuations near that place is very strong, too." Azura muttered to herself as she used her skill, 《Manaki Measurica》to analyze the situation from afar.

"This isn't good, Tibeto." Azura said. "There's three entities. One with a manaki level of 6.5 million, another with 11.5 million, and one with 15 million but gradually decreasing. My max manaki level is at most 8.2 million, and there's no chance I could take them out."

"Really?" Tibeto exclaimed once again, shocked. "If our vice-commander can't even deal with it, how are we supposed to catch up to our target?"

"That's the problem. Tibeto. The 11.5 million level entity... is our target, Roy Excindo himself."

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