Looking Forward

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I saw him standing from afar, playing with his gun, just spinning it around. When we get closer, he notices us. And holds his gun on his side, while his other hand is holding a microphone.

His bored face becomes into a slight grin.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Boyfriend. What the hell are you doing here?" He asks, completely oblivious that I was his opponent.

My girlfriend lightly kisses my cheek and whispers "Break a leg," and she gives me her beautiful smile as she hoists herself up on top of the speakers, waiting for the rap battle to begin.

"I'm gonna rap battle, that's what I'm gonna do," I reply, his smirk slowly disappearing.

He straightens himself up, "Uhm, no. I'm waiting for someone else?" His statement becoming more of a question.

I shake my head and my girlfriend throws a microphone towards me. I swiftly catch it and hold it against my side.

"Yes, and it's me, and I'm gonna win." I move my cap beak backward as I give him a confident smirk.

Pico falters a bit, but he shakes his head. His grin slowly coming back.

"Nah, I'm gonna win this. No matter what."

We both get into position, holding the mics close to our lips.

"3...2...1.....Go!" And so, the rap battle begins.


Both Pico and BF were tied, and taking a small break, waiting for round 3. The last round. Pico adjusted his gun and his mic.

The last round, BF wasn't ready for, nor was Pico.

But Pico started first, even though he wasn't ready, so he started with some random words or sounds slip off his tongue, as he was trying to keep up with the beat. And without even realizing it, he makes random sounds into words. And now, he was on fire. Which scared BF, because he knew if he continues like this, Pico will defo win.

BF made some random beeps and raps here and there, but he wasn't even listening to what he was saying, instead, he was listening to Pico rapping. Realizing that he's venting about something.

He couldn't tell, since there were some metaphors, but the more he listened, the more he understood.

While Pico was deep into his rapping he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings, closing his eyes, as he remembers the past. He remembers every vivid detail of that horrid day. How he had felt, how it smelt, how he can hear the guns blazing, people shouting in agony, pain, and fear. He could hear his heartbeat drumming in his chest. Every single detail.

He could remember how scared BF was. How he just wanted to go home. How he wanted to play with Pico at the playground. How badly Pico wanted to hold BF's hands and tell him everything was alright, everything was gonna be okay.

They start to wrap it up, the beat now halting to a stop. Pico opens his eyes and sees his environment changed. He wasn't at school. No, he was here with BF and GF, rap battling at a train track. His eyes wander until he meets BF's. He seemed surprised, and a bit worried. Pico then remembers his job. And he stiffens.

Both boys pant, not breaking eye contact from each other.

Before they could decide who won, Pico drops his mic. And swings his gun around and places it onto his thigh holster.

"What are you doing Pic-" BF was about to ask when he was interrupted by Pico, who holds up his hand and BF quiets.

"I forfeit." Pico holds his hand up in surrender, making both BF and GF look at each other in confusion, and then looks back to Pico.

Before they could say anything Pico continues.

"I was supposed to kill you, when I first see you, BF. Someone uhm...paid me to kill you. And because it was big bucks, y'know I couldn't refuse..."

BF stays silent, and he waits for Pico to continue.

"But....I'll uh...I'll let it go this time. The beat was great, and I forfeit. Maybe we can rap battle next time, where I don't have to kill you," Pico lightly chuckles as he shoves his hands into his pockets to stop the shaking. He doesn't wanna remember it. He doesn't wanna remember the past events.

Pico gives his signature grin, as he turns around and walks away.

BF felt weird. And not in a good way. He continues staring at Pico until the darkness consumed the faraway walking figure.

GF jumps down and hugs her boyfriend, surprising him, but he welcomes it.

"You won, BF!"

"Yeah...I-I guess I did." They looked at each other and gave a small smile, they leaned into each other and gave a small kiss, a passionate but overall sweet one.

"Wait, what did Pico mean, when he said he was supposed to kill you?" GF asks, as she breaks the kiss and she lightly grabs ahold of BF's hand, intertwining them. BF looked back at Pico's dropped mic, and shrugs.

"Who knows. But maybe we should take a break for a while. He was probably hired from someone I had beaten. And probably keep a low profile," BF said as he shrugged it off. GF looked back and nods. They walk away from the scenery and back to their shared apartment. Very happy about BF's accomplishment.

Boyfriend was looking forward to his next match with Pico. Without him being killed of course.

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