Chapter One: How And Why We Got Here

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Charlett's POV:
Hi, I'm Charlett. Originally this was written for my kids and how I met their mother, but I decided to publish this book, to help people who are almost old enough to be put in Dead By Daylight or to help them get over trauma.
Dead By Daylight is basically where you are put into an abandoned city and try to escape without dying, to see who the weak and strong are. Once you get out, you spend the rest of your life without worry. If you don't get out... we'll I don't really know after that.
If you have been through it, I'm sorry. It's hard to get over it. Getting close to people and using strategies to get out, then watching as they suffer or die.
If you haven't been through it... well... I wish you luck and hopefully you learn something from this book.
- Charlett Montgomery

Word count: 156

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