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" Well now say what happened in the office yesterday?" I ask Lindsey and David. What they said shocked the shit out of me. I can't believe what Mr. Charles did .


"It was not expected from Mr. Charles." David says. 

" Maybe he likes you so he did that." Lindsey says. Lindsey speaks a lot more. Is she in her right senses? How can Mr. Charles like me?

To be honest, I never thought he would go this far for me. It would have been nothing great if anyone except Charles Knight did. It's unbelievable that he went this far for me.

All must be wondering what he did !!

Mr. Charles called me last day for like 20 times, which he never does for any employee. He broke his firm's decorum, not one but two. First one is that the person who leaves or is thrown out of his firm are never supposed to get their jobs back and the second one is that he forced Bianca to give him my details. And finally he came to my home and requested me. Isn't it too much?

Well for such, I'm now the main subject of every employee's gossips . I don't like to be the center of gossips. It's quite unusual I know but you know what, all the employees especially the female ones won't even point at Mr. Charles because he is the man of dreams for the females and the living monster for the males( the males think such ). All will blame me because they think I'm a slut who  sticks to this Charles Knight for 5 years. I have to endure all of their dirty stares , gossips and so on.

Who in the hell spread all of these? Bianca? She's going to see the worst of me now. I'm good for the ones who respect me but I can be a monster for the ones who disrespect me and spreads all rumors. Yes I have acquired a virtue from Mr. Charles, to be a monster in these 5 years.

Why does he have to do these things for me? Does he really like me? No, no, I shouldn't think all of this. I have to talk to Mr. Satan.

" What should you do Emma?" Lindsey asks. I should have been the one to ask her but she is asking me now. This lady is damn crazy.

" I'll be talking to Mr. Charles about it. It's almost the end of the lunch time. We all should head to our respective floors now. " Best way to end Lindsey's craziness. 

" Ah, will you be coming with us to dinner ?" David asks me. Do they both have dinners together? Almost everyday they ask me to have dinner with them.

" Well , I'm sorry but today I won't be coming with you guys for dinner. I will be going to look for a new home. My lease is gonna expire soon."

" Okay. Go ahead and find a new home so you can live with your Charles." Saying such both of them start to laugh like children.

" This should be the last warning for you both."

" Okay Your Highness." David says .

Finally both of them leaves . It is so good to have friends like them. They are always here with me. FRIENDS!! I had friends. I miss Sofia now.  Miss Emma, work is more important than Sofia. Let's go and work.



" Sir have you called for me?" 

"Yes. Sit down." Is it truly the same Mr. Charles which I have seen last day? He is so concentrated on the file he is reading now that he has even forgotten to look at me. 

" Sir." My voice must have brought  him back . Now he should appreciate my presence. He should say that I have such a nice PA .

" Can't you see that I'm going through a file?" He is changed. Is he a chameleon? I hate this man.

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