To be with you.

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When Cory first announced that the Matthews family would be going on a camping trip for spring break, Riley was less than enthused. Being stuck with her eight year old brother in the same cabin for a whole week, without any Internet or cell service wasn't her idea of fun. Since the homework assignment where Cory took away the class' cell phones, Riley had tried her best to stay away from her phone when it wasn't necessary. But she didn't want to be out of touch with her friends for a whole week. Riley rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Now Riley," Cory began. "Don't roll your eyes over this. We'll have fun, you'll see."

"But dad! I'm not going to be able to talk to any of my friends when we're there. And I'd already promised Maya that we'd talk every chance we got," she replied. That was mostly true, she wanted to try and talk to Lucas over the break as well, but she wasn't going to tell her dad that.

"I know," Cory said as he put a forkful of rice into his mouth. "So I figured your friends would enjoy coming with us."

Riley's head snapped up. "Really?!"

"Yeah. Maya, Farkle...and Lucas."

Riley jumped up from her seat and wrapped her arms around her father's neck. "Thanks daddy!" she squealed and then skipped off to her room.

Auggie shook his head. "Girls..." he deadpanned as he went off into his room.

Topanga cleared Riley's and Auggie's plates, and then placed a hand on Cory's back. "I'm surprised you finally said yes."

Cory nodded. "She's growing up. I can't get in the way of that."


Cory placed his briefcase on the coffee table and plopped down on the couch. "How could Feeny handle this every day?" He just got home from a long day of students not wanting to do what they were told thanks to the upcoming break. Cory couldn't blame them. He remembered trying the same things.

The intercom buzzed and the voice that came out from the box was not who Cory had expected.

"Mr. Matthews? It's Lucas."

Cory furrowed his brow in confusion as he pressed the button to respond. "Riley's not here, Mr. Friar."

A few seconds passed before he answered. "I know, sir. I came by to talk to you."

A nervous pit grew inside Cory's stomach. He knew what Lucas was here for, and Cory wasn't ready for this moment to come. He knew it was coming sometime in the near future, but he kept pushing it to the back of his mind, somehow hoping it would never come. "Come on up," Cory replied, his voice about an octave lower than normal.

Lucas came through the apartment door about a minute later. "Sir, may I ask you a question?"

Cory crossed his arms and nodded. "Go ahead."

"I knew Riley wasn't going to be here. After school she asked me if I wanted to join her and Maya at Svorski's, but I told her that I had something to take care of. I figured now would be a good time to ask you since she's not here. Mr. Matthews, I'd like your permission to date your daughter."

Cory's shoulders slumped slightly. Despite knowing the question was coming, his wasn't ready to hear it. He wasn't ready to give Riley up. But is Riley ready?

Cory straightened his posture. "Before I answer, Mr. Friar, I feel the need to explain myself. When you first came here, I knew Riley was attracted to you. Part of the reason why I acted the way I did was because I knew Riley wasn't ready for a relationship. She was too young. The other reason was because I didn't want to let her go. I've seen the way you've both interacted with each other for the past three years. You two really care about each other, and I can't stand in the way of that. Because you asked me for my permission, I have a lot more respect for you. Usually guys today don't care about parent permission," Cory paused and took a breath. "Yes. You have permission to date my daughter. However, I do have some conditions."

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