Your mine only

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Kate: babe where are you going?

Y/N: oh I'm going to go hang out with heather

Kate: no

Y/N: why not?

Kate: because I said so now take your shoes off

Y/N: no I'm going to hang out with heather

Kate: I said no now take that off

Y/N: no bye

Kate: *gets up and gets knife* I said no!

Y/N: babe what the fuck put the knife away damn

Kate: *puts knife to throat* your mine and mine only so when I say no the answer is no you understand

Y/N: I- y-yeah I understand

Kate: good *puts knife from throat*

Y/N: *in mind* what the fuck is wrong with her she never acted like this before

Kate: oh and I never wanna see you and heather together or you'll see what will happen to the both of you *smiles*

Y/N: heather is my best friend

Kate: I don't care I said what I said

Y/N: fine then you need to stop seeing Simon and stop talking to him

Kate: okay all I want is you do it don't matter

Y/N: I-

Kate x fem reader❤️Where stories live. Discover now