Chapter 1: I Don't Remember Anything

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It was dark, like really dark. I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or still closed. Is this heaven? Am I dead? I sort of panicked a bit til' I heard loud chatter. I couldn't be dead if I hear talking. 'The noise sounded like it came from the otherside of this...cold, metal, door?' I thought to myself as I felt some hinges.

I decided the smartest thing to do was to try to push it open before anything else. As I did so, I was finally out of How did I end up in a locker? I couldn't really think much about that because several pairs of eyes were staring dead at me. Some showed confusion, some showed fear.

I did a little wave to show that I'm at least friendly, and not a threat and it seemed to work. Everyone returned back to their conversations. Well except this one girl. She was a little shorter than I was, and more energetic than I could ever be at this time.

"Hii! I'm Yui Ishii, the Ultimate Fashion Designer!" she said all bubbly and cheerfully.

Yui Ishii is a nice girl...well so far. I quickly examined her appearance. Yui Ishii was pale, but not in a sickly way. She had pretty blue eyes of different shades, some like the sky, and sea. She had blonde hair and she wore a fancy white blouse, and leather black pants, with a black belt with a golden buckle, and black boots up to her ankles.

" I'm Aiko Suzuki the ultimate Poet..." I said shyly.

It looked as if Yui was examining my appearance too. I wasn't as fancy looking as her. I'm a dark-skinned girl, with circular glasses and freckles here and there. My hair is in one of those braided halo's and I wore a long-sleeved puffy white shirt with a black dress over it and the same black boots Yui was wearing but different brand.

"Oo cool!" she said with fascination, "Do you know how you got here?" she asked while scratching her head.

"No, I don't." I said also confused, but very sorry to disappoint.

"Ah! Me neither, I woke up in a locker too...all of us did."

"Odd." I replied with a puzzled look.

Yui ran over to where everyone was and yelled out.


I was fully embarrassed. As much as I love social interaction, I don't know anyone except Yui so far.

A boy with orange hair, and orange eyes introduced himself first.

"Hey there! I'm Haruki Sato. The Ultimate Artist!" he said while he did some type of salute wave.

A girl with red hair and green eyes decided to introduce herself next.

"Hello, love. My name is Cheryl Landry. The Ultimate Lawyer." she said whie adjusting her glasses.

"Alright my turn!" said brown haired boy with hazel eyes, "The name's Kazuko Yamasaki! The Ultimate flutist"

"I'm Mayumi Ultimate biologist..." she said shyly.

"Hell yeah, my name is Mirai Yokoyama! The Ultimate SFX artist! Wanna look like you've been fucked up by a murderer? I gotchu babe!" he said with such pride.

I was a little scared when he asked that question, but I brushed off my feelings and continued hearing everyone else's intro's.

"The names Rin! The Ultimate Actor!" he said doing what I assume to be is a Shakespeare pose.

"Hey Sisters, I'm Sora Sakai the Ultimate Social Media Influencer." he said whilst waving.

"I guess it's my turn...I'm Aia Manson. The Ultimate Spy said a stern ginger girl.

"Sup chic! I'm the Akari Campbell. The Ulimate psychologist! I can tell you're nervous, don't be! We don't bite!" he said with assurance in his voice.

"Lets get this party on the roaadd! I'm Marilyn Woods the Ultimate Cowgirl!" she said

"Ah! A new addition to the count! Hey I'm Landon Williams, the Ultimate Mathematician." he said with a welcoming tone.

"Hi. I'm Elizabeth Sanders! The Ultimate Songwriter" she said not even looking at me but instead a paper.

"And I'm Amari Sanders! The Ultimate Producer." he said.

Amari really looks like his sister. I wonder if they're twins...

"He-hey everyone...I'm Aiko Suzuki the Ultimate Poet..." I said shyly whilst doing a small wave.

Some smiled and continued with their conversations. Other was wandering around taking a look at this place. All except Yui. She was gesturing for me to come over to where she was. I assume she wants to talk with me about something?

I didn't question it too much and I walked over.

"You say you don't know why you're here either, correct?" she asked.

I nodded in agreement, afterwards she opens a door. Behind it was a massive hallway with windows bigger than anyone here.

"Woahhhh, cooool!!" I said, finally out of my shy state.

"I know right, I believe we are in some sort of school..." she replied. "Does that ring a bell to you at all?"

"Sadly, no. Not at all." I said with great disappointment.

"Very well"

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