.Final Words.

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And then In 90 Days is the sequel where they get married. /j

Hi hello lol

I'm writing this right after posting the 17th chapter and might i say you guys' comments give me so much serotonin LOL

I hope you guys liked it :D i've been writing a lot of angst and majority of dnf fics are angsty so i figured you guys are probably overdue for another fluff fic lol so here you guys go :D

Moral of the story: be who you are!!! Even if not everyone will accept you, don't shy away. You'll find ppl who understand you :] you are lovely just the way you are <3

Some subtle things I hoped you noticed that I'll mention now incase you didn't:
1. There are SO MANY fire/flame metaphors LOL
2. Everytime they got closer, dream gave george a new nickname
3. Everytime he put his hand on George's shoulder, it represented a new stage of their relationship (when he said happy birthday to him, their first stop in NC, when dream left george, and when George went back to the UK. ik there's more cases but i forgot LOL)

Thank you for reading!! I'll have a new fic out soon :) (omg is it self promo time??? /j)

I'll see you guys in the next one :] bye!!!

Oh! Also, I had a contest to see who could guess my final word count and @/Avocados_Are_Purple won LOL they win a free oneshot of whatever ship they want. Ik they'll read this so just lmk what you want LOL

And don't forget the most important motto I can tell you:

Stay alive <3

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