nuzzles uwu hai senpai :0 *looks down at pants* OwO whats that uwu daddy can you cuddle with me pwease and can you give me some cookies uwu *lays down on chest* *upzips pants cutely* Senpaii!! why are you stopping me UnU meanie, s-s-senpai- why are you petting my tail- I told you yesterday not to touch it!! 0///0 h-hey why are you backing away? pet me more~ I mean its not like I like you BAKA!!! ahh~~ mm~ S-s-sen- AHH~~~~~~ nnnmmm 0///0 c-can I call you- master~ p-pwease put a leash on me and a shock collar~~ pwease shock me when Im being naughty~~ take off your shirt pwease..~~ oh~ look at your abs~~~ *kisses y/n face* love you UwU