🌹Sudden, But Tomorrow We Are Getting Married (MANGA)

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Author/Artist- Miyazono Izumi

Genre- Slice of life, Drama

Status- Completed

Status- Completed

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About it-

Asuka is a twenty four years old successful career woman who dreams of marriage so she can become a full time housewife and someone who can create a warm home where in her husband would always be fond of returning. Nanami Ryuu is the complete opposite; although he is someone sincere in his job and a gentleman to women, for him, marriage is nothing but a hindrance. To Asuka, Nanami is a person who belongs to a different world and will never connect with her own, a matter which is insignificant, because right now she expects that her dreams of married life will soon be realized since she feels her boyfriend of five years will propose to her soon...

Adaptation- Live action

Adaptation- Live action

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