The Boy in the Soccer Uniform

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(Not my edit)

"Say hello for your father for me, Betty." Mom says out the passanger window. She tried her best to muster a smile. John appeared behind her in the driver seat.

"I'll miss your loud music in the morning!" He calls. I chuckle and wave bye to mom and her boyfriend, John. They drove away, taking a turn at the end of the street. I will sure miss seeing them, even though I'll see them every other weekend.

I carry my boxes that contained my stuff up the driveway. Before I reach the front door, the door swings open, revealing my cheery older brother, Liam.

"Betty!" Liam grins as he wraps me in a tight hug.

"How are you?" I ask.

"Pretty well. And yourself?"

"Great now that I'm living with you again." I smile. Liam steps aside to let me inside. I struggle to carry the boxes as I walk inside.

"Let me help you with that." Liam offers. I shrug and mutter a 'thanks'.

"Where's dad?" I ask. Liam reluctantly shruggs.

"Probably at work, or maybe with Marada." He says as we walk up the stairs.


"Um, no one. Nevermind." Liam responds quickly. We get to the top of the stairs and took a turn in the hallway, straight to my new room.

"Well, here's your room." Liam places the boxes by the doorway. He takes a peek in the box on top.

"What are in these boxes anyways?"

"Books, sketchbooks, posters, the rest of my clothes, jewlery, and my girly needs." I smile. Last week, I dropped some things off here, like my bed, bed sheets, my desk, curtains, and, like I said, some of my clothes.

"Whoa, you didn't have to add that last detail." Liam holds his hands up in surrender. I laugh. Without even asking, Liam (carefully) opens some boxes and helps me unpack a few things. I hang a few posters up and I rearrange some furniture. Once we were done, we lied down on my bed.

"Well, that was tiring." Breathed out Liam. I nodded.

"I'm starving. What's there to eat?" I ask, standing up from the bed. I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen to see what Liam has in his fridge. Nothing.

"You want to go out to eat? I haven't gone shopping for food in a while. Guess I need to do that soon." Liam chuckled from behind. I nodded.

"So, you want chineese food?" Liam asked.

"Sure, lets go."

About an twenty minutes later, we finally pull up to a Chineese food restraunt. The place looked pretty new compared to the businesses around it. Which it is considering there's a large banner outside saying NOW OPEN. Once we got inside, we ordered our food and sat in a booth.

"So, are you happy that you're back?" Liam asks as he shoves a mouthful of teriyaki chicken in his mouth.

"Yeah, but I'll miss mum and John. How's dad, by the way?"

Liam shruggs. "He's hardly home now. He's at work most of the time. Or he's at Marada's." He says the name in disgust.

"Who's she?"

"His new girlfriend. She has two kids and he spends most of his time over at their house." Liam sighs.

"Instead of with you." I add. Liam nods. We spend the rest of the meal talking about things we missed in each others lives since we've been apart. Once we finished talking, we started to head home.

"I'd like to introduce you to some of my friends next week if that's ok." Liam says as he pulls up the driveway. Next week is the first day of school from winter break and I'm not too excited. It's mostly because I'm not great on making friends. But Liam on the other hand is great at it. Mostly because he's sweet, kind, and outgoing.

We step out of the car. Just as we were about to open the front door, someone called out to Liam.

"Hey Liam!"

We both turned around and saw a boy about two years older than us, walking our way. He wore a red-striped soccer uniform with a Soccer ball tucked under his arm. His hair was messy, sweat rolled down his face, as if he just finished playing soccer, or football as Liam says.

"Hey Louis. Just finished playing football?"

"Yeh. Coach wanted us to do some practice before classes start. Why didn't you come?" Louis asked. He's a few feet from us now. I looked questionably at Liam. He never told me he had practice today. Or maybe he forgot.

"I had to be home when Betty arrived. I couldn't leave her sitting on the doorstep for an hour." Liam explained.

"Oh, Liam you really shou-"

"Who?" Louis interrupts.

"Betty? My sister?" Liam says as if Louis should have already knew who I was. Louis looked at me, probably realizing I was standing there. I wasn't surprised by his reaction; people usually don't realize of my existence when I'm in the room. And honestly, I prefer it that way. I'm not one to love attention, or even seek it, so it doesn't bother me.

"You have a sister?" Louis asks after a minute.

"Yeah, it's just that she lived with my mum for a few years."

"That's nice. Hey, there's a practice on Friday, maybe you can make it? I mean if Betty here lets you." I can sense the annoyed tone in his voice.

I don't know why he's annoyed of me, though. I wasn't aware that Liam had soccer- excuse me, football- practice today, otherwise I would've arrived here a little later. But Liam being Liam, he was oblivious to Louis' tone.

"That'd be great!" Liam grinned.

"Great, see ya later, Liam." With that said, Louis turned around and headed home, without saying bye to me. And to my joy- hint the sarcasm- his home was right next door. I sighed and walked inside.


'...I wasn't sure why he didn't like me. I mean I had done nothing to him...except existing. Maybe it's my whole apearance. I'm not the prettiest girl in the world, so maybe he didn't like what he saw. I do have big, nerdy glasses. But those can look cute on some girls. Unfortunatly, not on me. I could go for contacts, but putting little things in my eyes? Haha nope.

But then again, maybe it's my sense of style. Like, c'mon I wear baggy pants with baggy sweatshirts. Maybe that's why Louis didnt like me. Then again, why am I so worried about a butthole of a human. Honestly, he seems like a player, who only chooses twig-like, leaf eating, spoiled, plastic surgery, ugly-without-makeup, bitchy, burnt-hair...wait where am I going with this?'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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