Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: nightmare

your P.o.v

i was in school " Y/N!!" i heard pico say i looked around and i saw pico , my eyes widen he was shot " YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME PRICO" i heard cassandra say he walked to me and he turned around to see Cassandra looking at him " GIVE ME Y/N" she said , pico then put both of his hands out while i was behind him " NO" pico said , Cassandra shot him in the head making him fall down "p-pico wake up" i said " HE'S DEAD IDOIT , YOU'LL HAVE TO STAY WITH ME" she laughed

pico P.o.v

i woke up by y/n "pico no...Cassandra don't touch me" she said crying  " y/n wake up" i shaked her , she jumped up she looked at me , she sighed with relef "gosh i thought you died" she said hugging me and stoped

sorry it was short i'm busy!

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