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Chapter 81

“What is that thing?” Rhine immediately stood up with caution, approached the window side, drew his handgun and peered outside. I also cast my gaze out the window with the same nervousness. The sea unknowingly became overcasted with thick fog again. I could vaguely make out the undulating outline of the steep cliff not far away and the full moon looked as though it was shrouded with layers of spider web, appearing dim and sullied.

Everything was eerily quiet, as if the scene we saw just now was merely our hallucination. But I knew it was definitely not. That ghastly face, or perhaps, many of those gruesome faces are just hidden amid this damp smog,  secretly peeping at us, the humans behind this window. They are not limited by time and space, they are four-dimensional creatures, they are…..everywhere.

An indescribable coldness crawled up my back and I grasped the bedsheet as I smelled an uncertain odor.

Perhaps because he saw nothing, Rhine  hesitatingly lowered his handgun, “I’ll go out and take a look. Behave yourself and stay here, don’t go running around.”

My gaze was absorbed heavily on the darkness outside of the window and momentarily did not answer him. Rhine grabbed my chin in dissatisfaction, compelling me to turn toward him, and it was at this time that I noticed an extra ‘hand’ placed on Rhine’s shoulder. To be more precise, it was a bony and black webbed claw. Then, the ghost face of a rotting head slowly emerged from the shadow of Rhine’s back. Under the seaweed like damp hair, the black holes of the empty and lifeless eyes were silently ‘looking’ at me.

“Behind you………” My scalp exploded and I called out with fright. In a split second, the lightbulb above my head flickered a couple times before my surroundings turned pitch dark. However a faint fluorescent color of green emerged in my retina and this only made things even more terrifying. In the dark, I saw Rhine’s neck being gripped onto without a warning by the claw and was easily being lefted off the floor and dragged backward. But behind him was no longer a door, rather it was a split crevice that was opening wider.  There were countless deformed ghost faces inside the crack, all wearing a nasty evil grin as they let loose their long fishy tongue, which like poisonous snakes curled all around Rhine’s limb, dragging him inward.

”Save me…Desharow!”

Rhine’s entire face contorted with fear. I quickly sat up, seized hold of  the hand gun in his hand, and shot into the black hole with loud bangs, but who knew that the sounds of bullets would explode on the plank walls of the cabin right behind me!

Damn it!

Alarmed, I leapt out of the bed and my buttock tumbled onto the hard floor. On the side, that fissure actually split open wider and like the devil一living in the depth of hell一opening its bloody mouth to feast on its prey, the crack directly extended to my feet. Black lumps of threads gushed out from within. Similar to squirmy maggots attached to bones, they tightly coiled around my body, and rapidly spread upward. In split seconds, my entire body felt being bundled into an ice-cold swamp with disgusting fishy stench as a very powerful strange force, like a whirlpool, was pulling me downward.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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