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Over the next few days, I tried to put Dalton's appearance out of my mind. But no matter where I went, or what I was doing, I couldn't help but begin to look over my shoulder for possible signs of him. I hated the feeling of not being able to relax, but for the time being, until I knew that he was going to leave me alone for good, it was what it was.

Ross hadn't mentioned anything about that night since, though there was a clear shift in his demeanour whenever I was due to work. He attempted to hide it from me, but every time we discussed my shift patterns for the week, he stiffened and made a quick exit from the room.

I yawned as I crossed the kitchen, my head still foggy from the late night after work. It had been a busy shift at the club, and I was still doing private dances up 'til closing time at three am. By the time that I'd gotten home and into bed, there wasn't long before Ross's alarm was going off for the start of his shift.

"Stay safe out there," I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck as he prepared to head off for his shift.

"Always," He replied, kissing me back and grabbing his bag from the coatstand, "What are you doing today, besides going back to bed for some sleep?"

He emphasised the end of his question, making it less of a query and more of an order.

"No time for that, I have an audition this afternoon, then work later."

There it was again. I noted the tick in his jaw and the way that his hand clenched the bag strap tighter than necessary.

"You should still try and get some rest. You must be shattered."

"I'll be fine, I promise." I smiled, fighting off yet another yawn.

"Okay, if you insist," He relented, "Best of luck, you got this," He added proudly, and with a final quick kiss, he glanced at the clock and made his leave.

"Alone again," I sighed, crossing my arms and staring around at the empty apartment.

Deciding to get some fresh air to perk myself up, I took a shower, had a bite to eat and then grabbed my script for today's audition and headed out for the beach.

Everything felt better when I was at the beach. With the warm sun, soft sand and clean, fresh air, my problems just felt much less overwhelming. Looking out over the ocean, I felt so small in such a vast world and it made me feel lighter. Buying a drink from a nearby stall, I set up a comfortable place on the beach and spent the following hour going over my script in my head, contemplating how I was going to play the role. With the warming sun on my skin, it didn't take me long to relax, and as it began to beam bright off of the page, my eyes drifted closed and sleep overwhelmed me.

A shrill squeal and loud laughing woke me up with a start. Jolting up, my script fell against the sand and I gasped at the sight of the streaks of orange starting to line the darkening blue sky. I quickly checked my phone and felt instantly sick at the sight of the time. I'd been asleep for over two hours, and now only had twenty-five minutes to get to the studio for my audition. My heart threw itself against my rib cage, so hard that I thought it might break through at any moment. I cursed my own stupidity as I picked up my shoes and ran barefooted across the sand, reaching my car and throwing everything inside in a hurry.

It was the most reckless driving that I'd ever done in my life as I practically floored it all the way across town, narrowly avoiding a garbage can as I took a corner at speed and finally spun into the parking lot. I threw the door open as soon as I cut the engine and was out of the car and rifling through my trunk for spare clothes in seconds.

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