🥀Chapter Twenty One🥀

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Something seemed a bit off today. I was back at work and I was thankful that the bruise on my cheek had disappeared. The first thing I noticed was how well dressed everyone was, like there was going to be a party. Next thing was that Mordechai wasn't here and neither was Tif. Not saying it was a problem because it was good for me, but it was truly odd.

As I sat in my office trying to finish off some files my phone started ringing and I checked to see that it was Franco.

"Hello", I answered as I placed the phone at my ear.

"Hey, how are you?".

"I'm fine", I replied before getting up and leaving the office. I really needed to use the bathroom.

"That's good to hear, I woke up this morning and...I started thinking about you".

I stopped as I was about to reach for the door handle. I could hear his shallow breathing over the phone. I didn't believe a word he said. Even if he was thinking about me, it would be my body and only that.

"You don't believe me do you?"

"Should I?", I replied bluntly before entering the bathroom and going into one of the stalls.

"Give me a sec", I say as I placed the phone and mute and did my business. There was something about Franco that didn't sit well with me. I wasn't fully sure but I didn't trust him. And I wondered if I had slept with already, would he still be in contact with me?

After I finished I took the phone off mute and went to wash my hands.

"I'm back", I say before I heard him shuffling around and then the sound of a shower turning on was evident.

"Yeah, can I call you later, I'm going to take a shower...or maybe you can still talk to me while I rub my body".

"No thanks" I replied quickly before ending the call. Franco was definitely something else. I'm starting to think that he may be sex crazed. Or maybe he was sex deprived?. Well he couldn't be because he's rich and he can have any woman he wants. I'm done trying to figure him out, all I had to do was see how he acts when I have dinner with him Saturday.

I looked in the mirror for a few seconds before leaving the bathroom. Mordechai was standing at my office door talking to this well dressed man. He wore a bright coloured suit - too bright for business if you asked me. He had a small beard and his hair was a brown washed out colour that was swaying all about.

Mordechai's eyes met mine and I walked up to them as I got the attention of the man he was talking to. Up close his face wasn't that bad looking and he had a beauty spot under his bottom lip.

"This is my personal assistant Miss Collins", Mordechai said as the man smiled before reaching out and taking my hand and suprised me by kissing it.

"Such a beauty, I'm Denver O'Mard, nice to meet you", he said as he continued playing with my fingers. Mordechai started to look impatient as he tapped his fingers against his tie.

"You too sir", I replied before he released my hand.

"Shall we continue?", Mordechai said as the man nod before walking off in the opposite direction. He looked at me for a few seconds before going after Denver. I felt as if someone was watching me and I looked to the side and saw Tiffany. She had her arms crossed as she glared at me as if she wanted to say something but she remained quiet.

She better.

It was a few minutes past lunch time so I left and went to the second floor to meet with the girls. Deidra, Brenda and Carmen. Brenda was married with two kids and Carmen confessed that she was a thirty-two year old cougar. But did I judge her? No, I was not in that position to judge anyone.

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