The return of The Banana Splits

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A fan story by The Pink Rabbit

Before, back in the 60s, there was a group of four friends

Fleegle, Drooper, Bingo, and Snorky

They had a club and always spent time together

They were the Banana Splits

The four friends were all unique, and spanned from different animals

A dog, a lion, an ape, and an elephant

They all enjoyed themselves, as they were a big hit in showbiz as well as a hit band, they loved what they did and they loved all their fans

Nothing could've gone wrong, they kept their legacy for years

Until one day...


Fleegle: a... movie?

Producer: yeah! This could be a big chance of expanding your popularity! Not only will you be for kids, but you can also appeal to adults too!

Fleegle: um... I'm not sure... me and the others are fine with just appealing for kids so...

Producer: but this could possibly help in case the kids get bored later on, you'll still have adult audiences to entertain!

Fleegle: hmmm...

Bingo: come on Fleeg, maybe this could be good

Drooper: yeah, this could be fun, we can experience what it's like to be on the big screen!

Snorky: honk honk

Fleegle: hmmm... well, ok, I guess we'll agree to it

Producer: alright! Just sign here and I'll bring this to the rest of the crew to start filming!

Fleegle: alright, I mean, what can go wrong?
They all signed the contract for the new movie
Producer: thanks a lot Splits! You won't regret it!

Fleegle: no problem uh...

Stevie: oh, the names Stevie

Fleegle: oh ok, pleasure working with you Stevie
Stevie walks away leaving the Splits to themselves
Drooper: This is so exciting! We're gonna be on the big screen!

Bingo: I know! Everyone is gonna love it!

Snorky: honks excitedly

Fleegle: heh, yeah, this is pretty cool, I'm sure this will be great

Seven months later...

The Splits were hanging out in their clubhouse when a loud uproar was heard outside

Fleegle: what's all that noise outside?

Drooper: checks the window I see a lot of people outside, maybe it's our fans!

Fleegle: oh ok! Let's go greet them!

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