Cat Got Your Tongue

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Swatch straightened out his tie. This particular day of the week. Friday. Would have one of the largest influx of customers. Despite his protests, the Swatchlings assured him that they'd keep the cafe in tip-top shape. Promising nothing, but delivering more. "Take very good care. No unturned plates, and give the dust bunnies extra care. I will be heading out for my first morning walk."

"B-But boss... You never went on a morning walk," a yellow Swatchling concernedly squeaked. The rest of the Swatchlings dressed in dapper apple-red made trembling noises. Swatch easily forgave them for speaking out of turn. Natural accustoms to help them frequently forced the realization that he secretly desired to have some me time. As hard work comes, so does hard relaxation. The bird was determined to enjoy his day off as much as possible. For his Swatchlings. Swatch gave the lemon-suited Swatchling a small smile.

Oh, how he wished they could come along. He reached out with his hands to touch the yellow palette on the left of his suit, and laid a hand on the Swatchling's shoulder. "You are right. I've never went on a morning walk... Or a walk of any sort. I do have a meeting with Tasque Manager about our Queen's new protocol." The Swatchlings shared squints amongst themselves. Then they squealed, holding their feathery hands to their faces. Meeting. Swatch's face began to flush at the thought of the turquoise ears Ms. Tasque had. Her bright yellow eyes with a hint of a demure femininity... "I should get going," the head butler mumbled. The newly-turned lemon to apple Swatchling nodded its head excitingly today.

They'll be fine, he thought. Swatch folded his hands behind his back and bowed accordingly. Passing the throne room, he strolled by a passed-out Queen. Presumably the battery acid overloaded her drives. He'll take care of it when he gets back. Surely, that Roulxs Kaard... Fool that he is... will promptly take care of the Queen. Swatch was confident he'd be back before he gets to relish the sweet ejection of Roulxs.

He walked outside of Pandora Palace. Mighty drab... compared to Cyber City's entirety. In comparison of Spade King and Queen's divorce, the castle lacked vibrance. Thoughts of how entertaining the Swatchlings would be if they were given the responsibility of painting the castle, Color Café pink, made him miss them. His feet was firmly planted on the red carpet. The red carpet that led to the flashy lights, and rather... flat green colors. The underground rebels' shack had more decency than that dreadful basement.

Inhale, exhale. To the grocery store and back, Swatch. You're the head butler. Duties to fulfill. Come to think of it, the kitchen could use some new pinkware... One foot in front of the other, he left the Castle's vicinity.

The air crackled with freedom.

Swatch walked vigorously on the sidewalk. Too much time has passed since his last grocery store run. He intently reminded himself that the Color Café had enough preservatives, bakery items, and dozens of watermelons to last for a few months.

Mrowwww. Swatch walked into a fluffy white tail. Confusion rendered him stumbling onto his bottom. He picked up and cleaned his glasses to find a small Tasque stuck in a resized, open window.

It didn't look like it needed help. He heard a faint voice calling out for the Tasque. Oh, how convenient. He tried calling to the kitty in a gentle voice. It didn't budge. It stayed, thinking that the call was initiating a game. It swiveled its head to look at the butler. Then, it looked down inside the window. The Tasque reached out with its paw to swipe something. Swatch let out a snort upon seeing the Tasque's elongate body. The Tasque took the cue to play hide and seek, much to his chagrin.

With a bounding leap, the Tasque safetly passed through the window. Swatch would've left the Tasque on its own... had he not recognized the owner and her frilly voice. He slowly approached the window. The unsuspecting Tasque was swatting at a tiny, panicking Maus. Swatch reached out with his arms... then,


He felt three sharp claws puncturing his suit as the Tasque clinged for safety. It looked up to his grimacing face with a cheeky expression only cats would know. "You little... brat..." the butler sighed in melancholy. Now to return it to its rightful owner.

Swatch's ears perked up to hear Tasque Manager calling out for her kitty. "Don't go missing on me, Number Twenty-Two! You still have our Maus bounty to catch!" He could hear the franticness in her voice. He must go to her at once. "Here we go," Swatch softly said to the Tasque. The Tasque seemed to scoff as its apparent involvement.

"There you are! I thought I lost you!" Tasque Manager skidded around a corner to find Swatch standing patiently with the Tasque clinging onto his arm. There she was. He couldn't hold a smile in.

"Swatch, I never expected you to find my kitty! Secondly, what are you doing outside of the palace?"

The bird felt his mouth go dry. "Q-Qui-Quality time." Tasque tilted her head to the side. "I see... You really do need one."

Swatch's smile loosened some more to a smaller one.

"Would you care to join me on this stroll?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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