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Keith: ok so what do we do now 

Emmy: I think we should start talking about how they would be a cute couple like front of them and maybe they'll crack under pressure and admit their feelings

Claire: I meannn....

Claire: its not a bad idea

Brady: ok all in favor of Emmys plan say I

Keith: I

Claire: I

Brady: I

Emmy: I

Keith: ok so its settled were going with Emmys plan

Claire: lets all hang out today and start our plan

Claire: ill message in the gc and ask if y'all wanna hang today and everybody say yes   

Cassies Pov:

1 new message

Claire: y'all wanna hang out today?

Cassie: hells yeah

Keith: yeah im down

Brady: yeah ive got nothing else todo

Jacob: same here

Emmy: so where we gonna meet up?

Cassie: we can come to my house if yall want and kinda just go from there 

Brady: ok so Cassies house @ 1:30

Time skip to 1:30

KNock knOcK kNOCk

"they must be here"

I open the door and see they all standing outside 

"yall can come in!" I say

they come inside and look around for a minute

"your house is really pretty" Keith says

"thanks. my mom decorated the entire house" I say in response

we all stand there for a minute 

"so what do we wanna do?" I ask

we all think for a minute 

"movie?" Jacob says. we all agree and choose a movie

as were watching the movie it gets to a scary parti turn my head and hide into Jacobs shoulder I feel him wrap his arm around my shoulder pulls me in a little more and I melt into it. woah, I can't believe it. me and my crush are cuddling.AFWGEFGFWDEHSFFGGHDBEWAcs xcvwfew3q.

Claires pov:

I can't believe what im seeing 

*Takes picture for insta story*

*Takes picture for insta story*

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