Chapter 2

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Nolan smiled at Brooke as she walked down the stairs. All Nolan could think was how beautiful she was, and how he was going to kiss her tonight. He'd planned a drive in movie and learned from Madison what she was into and took her to see that. Madison blobbed on and on about how much she was into Divergent, and was really hoping to see the sequel Insurgent. So Nolan bought tickets to see it.

"Ready to go?" Nolan asked. Brooke nodded and stepped down the stairs holding her small silver purse. Once they were outside, Brooke asked what they were going to be doing. "It's a suprise." Nolan said.

They pulled up into the drive in. "Brooke, follow me." Nolan led her to the back of the truck where there was a blanket with some pillows. There was also some rose petals on the blanket. "Wow. Ok." Brooke said Nolan lifted her up onto the truck.
"What movie are we seeing?" Brooke asked. "Insurgent." Brooke shrieked. "Omg!" She hugged Nolan.

After the movie it was only seven fifty-five, and Brooke didn't have to be home for another thirty five minutes, so Nolan took her out for Fro-Yo.

"Hello ma-lady and what may I get for you?" The worker asked. "Um...cake batter please." The worker nodded and quickly made the icecream. Nolan ordered as well. Brooke pulled out money. "Ah ah ah! What are you doing?" Nolan asked. "Paying." Brooke said. "The lady never pays on a date." Brooke stepped back and Nolan handed the worker a twenty. He grabbed the icecream and handed one to Brooke and smiled. Brooke was starting to have feelings for him.

They pulled infront of Brooke's house and Brooke tried to get out. Nolan put his arm infront of her. "I had fun tonight." He said. "Me too." She smiled and looked at him. Then he leaned in to kiss her. He was scared she was going to turn him down. Nope. She kissed back. He was so happy. They pulled away for a second and smiled at each other. Then went back to a kiss. "Bye." Brooke said. She undid her seat belt and waved at him. She ran up the footsteps and into the house. Nolan looked at her house with the biggest smile.

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